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Chapter 13

“Where were you last night, Lochwood?” asked Sir Chester the next morning, as he and Sir George met Conrad in the corridor just outside Willow’s room. Conrad’s squire was nowhere to be found. Because of it, Conrad overslept. He hoped Willow and Hazel were ready because he was starved and didn’t want to miss the first meal of the day.

“I retired early,” he told them, not wanting the man to know he’d snuck back in the hidden postern gate with Willow and Hazel after dark. The search for the ruby was still going on, and no one had noticed them entering the keep and heading to their chambers. He would have returned the way he’d left through the front gate since he’d already been searched, but Willow insisted she would just die if any of the noblemen saw her without her sleeves and with dirt on her face and gown. She had wanted to stop at the creek to wash up but, after finding Hazel, he didn’t want to chance it that the girls would run off again.

Neither of the women was talking to him now since they were so angry with him. If he was lucky, mayhap they’d cooled down and would speak to him this morning when he escorted them to the great hall for the morning meal.

He still didn’t understand why Willow had been acting so strange yesterday but planned on having a good, long conversation with her about it today.

“I didn’t see Lady Willow around here either last night,” said Sir George.

“My sister was upset by the turn of events and the chaotic crowd,” explained Conrad. “Willow took her to their chamber early.”

“That’s funny,” said Chester. “One of the guards came to their room with a handmaiden to search them, and there was nobody there.”

“For God’s sake, what is going on?” spat Conrad. “They are ladies, not thieves. I will talk to Lord Beaufort about this personally.”

“It was his idea,” said Sir George, leaving Conrad at a loss for words.

The door to Willow’s chamber sprang open. Willow emerged with Hazel standing silently right behind her. Willow was dressed to the hilt, looking like a queen. Gone were the smears of dirt on her face and the soiled gown. Her hair was actually braided this morning and tucked under the crown on her head. With her low-cut bodice, she boldly displayed much more cleavage than she should. That damned gold heart brooch she always wore winked at him in the light, drawing even more attention to her chest.

“There you are,” said Willow, sounding happy and like she was no longer angry with him. “I was starting to wonder if you’d gotten the squire’s message.”

“What message?” asked Conrad. “I can’t even find Toby. Did you send him somewhere?”

“We’re ready to go if you are,” Willow continued. Hazel nodded silently in agreement from behind her.

“Ladies, shall we?” Conrad held out his arm and stepped forward, but Willow reached out and took Sir Chester’s arm instead. Hazel shyly took the arm of Sir George.”

“What is going on here?” growled Conrad. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but I don’t like it.”

“Oh, Sir Conrad. I didn’t even see you there,” said Willow, making both of the other knights chuckle. “If you’ll excuse us, we don’t want to be late for the feast.”

“Wait,” he said, stopping the barons in their tracks. “The Ladies Willow and Hazel are my responsibility. I will escort them to the great hall.”

“Then why did your squire come to our solar this morning and ask us to take the ladies there?” asked Sir George.

“He did?” Conrad’s brows dipped. “I didn’t send him with any message.”

“I did,” stated Willow boldly. Her hand went to straighten her crown as she spoke. “After all, Lady Hazel and I don’t want to be escorted by anyone who doesn’t want us near them.”

“Stop it,” said Conrad. “This isn’t funny, Willow.”

“I want you near me, Lady Willow,” said Chester, putting his hand over hers atop his arm and smiling from ear to ear. Conrad didn’t miss the man’s glance down at Willow’s cleavage. His blood boiled. He felt as if he wanted to kill the man or strangle Willow, or perhaps both.

“Good day, Sir Conrad,” said Willow, laughing and talking with the knights as the four of them headed to the great hall. Conrad stood there with his mouth open, unable to believe that not only Willow but also his sister had just disobeyed him.

“Ah, there you are, my lord,” said Toby, hurrying down the corridor, looking over his shoulder at the foursome as he walked. “Why are the barons escorting the ladies?”

“Where the hell have you been, Squire?”

“Well, after Lady Willow came to the door this morning and asked me to deliver a missive to Sir Chester and Sir George, she had me deliver a missive to Lord Beaufort as well. I am just now returning.”

“What are you talking about? No one came to my door this morning.”

“Aye, she did,” insisted Toby. “You slept right through it, my lord. Your snoring was so loud I could barely hear Lady Willow since she was whispering. I was going to wake you, but she said I should let you sleep.”

“Since when do you take orders from her? What is the matter with you?”
