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“Fast, get in the wardrobe!” She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the small, adjoining room. “This is the only place I haven’t checked.

“Willow, I am not –” She pulled closed the hanging curtain and left him standing there in the dark. “Bid the devil,” he growled. He was about to storm out when he heard Willow talking to the barons. He couldn’t leave now. If he made his presence known, how was he going to explain being in there at all? There would surely be a problem with this. Nay, he had to stay silent and wait for all of them to leave.

He heard Willow talking and laughing. It about drove him mad. He didn’t want to be stuck in a wardrobe while the barons were enjoying her company. She would hear about this later. There was a crack of light coming in through the partially open curtain. He peeked out to see Willow holding a goblet of wine and flirting with both the men. That made him angry. He turned back to see that the wardrobe was empty. Still, he found himself looking in the corners and feeling atop the shelves for the ruby. Damn, Willow convinced him to help her when it was not his intent. Why did she seem to hold such power over him?

Thankfully, Willow was able to get the barons to leave. When he heard no more voices, he peeked out again to see the room was empty. He had just started across the floor when the door opened. He stopped, frozen in his tracks. Willow popped her head into the room.

“Did you find anything?” she asked.

“Where are the barons?” he said in a gruff whisper.

“Oh, they went back to the great hall to eat. They think I’m going to check on Hazel.”

“I’ve had enough of this,” he spat, taking her by the arm and leaving the room, pulling her along with him.

“Conrad, you’re hurting my arm. Let go of me.”

“Nay, I won’t. I am not letting you out of my sight again. I don’t like the game you are playing.”

“It’s not a game. I told you, I am trying to find the thief.”

“Let’s go.” He hauled her back to her own chamber and walked inside to see one of Lord Beaufort’s guards going through a trunk. A page and handmaiden stood next to Hazel who held on to the bedpost, her body trembling. Toby looked on from over by the window.

“What’s going on here?” Conrad demanded to know.

“Lord Beaufort instructed me to search the ladies’ chamber,” replied the guard.

“They were all here when I came to check on Hazel,” Toby explained from the other side of the room.

Willow’s mouthdropped open when she saw the guard rummaging through her trunk. “Those are my things, and you have no right to go through them,” she spat.

“Interesting to hear you say that,” mumbled Conrad. “It doesn’t feel good, does it?” He subtly reminded her that she was no better.

“Branton?” asked Willow, seeing her friend, the personal page of Lord Beaufort in the room as well. “What is this all about?”

“Lady Willow, everyone has been searched except for you and Lady Hazel since the earl couldn’t find you two yesterday,” said Branton.

“Where were you?” growled the guard, making Hazel cry.

“Stop it,” shouted Conrad, going to his sister and putting his arm around her. “They were with me. And I’ll not let this ridiculous behavior continue. These girls are innocent.”

“The earl sent the handmaiden to search you,” Branton told Willow. “She’s already searched Lady Hazel.”

“I do not need to be searched.” The thought shocked and appalled Willow. It was so invading.

“I’m sorry, my lady, but it is Lord Beaufort’s orders. If I don’t obey I will be punished,” said the handmaiden.

Willow didn’t want to be searched but neither did she want the handmaiden to be punished because of her. Poor Hazel looked terrified, as if she were going to swoon. Willow wanted everyone out of here as quickly as possible.

“I just need to check that you are not hiding the ruby in your hose or shift,” said the handmaiden.

“That’s not possible since she doesn’t wear any,” mumbled Conrad under his breath.

“Pardon me, Lord Conrad?” asked the girl. “What did you say?”

“It was nothing of importance,” said Willow glaring at Conrad. “I don’t want you to get into trouble, so let’s go to the wardrobe so I can be searched,” she said. Afterward, she walked out into the room to hear Hazel shouting.

“Nay, don’t touch my things! Those are mine. Don’t touch them.”
