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“Toby,are Willow and Hazel in the lists yet?” Conrad prepared for the archery competition, feeling less than confident since this wasn’t one of his stronger events. His strength was the joust that would be the last competition of the day.

“Nay, I don’t see them.” Toby stretched his neck and held his hand up to his eyes to block the sun.

“I don’t like this. Something is wrong.” Conrad paced back and forth.

“Give them time, my lord. I’m sure they’ll be here.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Lochwood, you’re up,” said Sir George. “Let’s see you beat my score.”

With Conrad’s first few shots, he managed to do well. But when he saw Hazel from his peripheral vision and Willow wasn’t with her, it distracted him. He missed the target altogether on the last shot. “Damn,” he spat as the crowd cheered for Sir George who had won the archery competition. Conrad threw down his bow and stormed over to the lists with Toby on his heels.

“Hazel, where is Willow?” growled Conrad. “She was supposed to be here with you.”

“I don’t know,” said Hazel, holding her hands in front of her and staring at the ground. “She told me to meet her here right after she left with Sir Bedivere.”

“She’s with Bedivere?” he snapped, not wanting to hear this.

“I don’t know,” said Hazel softly.

“That’s it. I’m putting an end to this right now. Toby, stay with Hazel until I return.” He started to walk away.

“But my lord, the joust is starting soon, and you cannot miss it.”

“I’ll be here, mark my words. And I promise, Willow will be here with me.

* * *

Willow searchedthrough Sir Bedivere’s things, going quickly so she could get down to the archery competition before Conrad realized she was missing. She rummaged through his trunk and then lifted up his mattress and gasped at what she saw.

At least a dozen knives, daggers and even a few swords were hidden under the pallet. Some had curved handles, some had two-toned hilts, and one sword had a wooden hilt with at least ten notches carved into the handle.

“He’s an assassin,” she said aloud, shocked by what she saw. Only a man hired to kill would own so many different blades.

“Well, I see my secret is out.”

She dropped the pallet and spun around to see Bedivere standing in the doorway. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

“Lord Bedivere,” she said, terrified to see him there. “I thought you went down to the great hall to meet Lord Beaufort.”

“I was on my way when I looked over my shoulder to see you sneaking into my room.” He stalked toward her looking very dangerous. “Why are you in here, Lady Willow?”

“I – I –” She had to think up something fast or risk getting her throat slit. Not wanting to do it, she reverted to the only skill she had. “I was hoping you’d notice I came in here. I wanted to spend some time alone with you before you chose your wife.”

“So you weren’t trying to steal from me?” he asked, sounding as if he didn’t believe her.

“Steal from you?” She laughed and held her hand to her chest. “Of course not. I don’t want to admit it, but since you caught me, I have no choice.”

“Continue,” he said, stopping right in front of her. Never had she felt so frightened in all her life. Here she was alone with an assassin, and no one knew she was here. There was so much commotion from the competition outside that even if she ran to the window and screamed, no one would hear her.

“I was here to seduce you,” she blurted out, holding her breath and waiting to see his reaction. The stern look on his face disappeared and was replaced with a smile.

“Seduce me? Why would you do that?”

“Because I want you to choose me for your bride.” It pained her to say this and nauseated her at the same time. Bedivere was the last person in the world she’d marry. She would be a nun before she was stuck with the likes of him.

“And what were you doing looking under my mattress?” he asked.
