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Chapter 15

Willow watched in anticipation from the lists as Conrad prepared himself for the joust. It was down to two men now, and only one of them would win. Sir Chester was fierce with the lance, but Hazel had told her that this was Conrad’s best and favorite event.

“Do you think he’ll win?” Willow asked Hazel. Her fingers gripped the rail so tightly that they turned white.

“I hope not,” said Hazel in a soft voice.

“What?” Willow turned and stared at the girl in confusion. “Why would you say that about your own brother?”

“I’m sorry,” said Hazel, hanging her head as usual.

“Hazel, tell me why you said that. It’s all right, I won’t get angry.” She covered Hazel’s hand with hers. “Why don’t you want your brother to win the joust?”

It took some coaxing, but finally Hazel told her. “I don’t want Conrad to marry.”

“You don’t?” Willow asked. “Why not? Your brother needs to marry. You must understand that. Every knight wants to have sons and heirs. This is important to him, especially since you have such a small family.”

“I like it small,” she said, still staring at the ground.

Willow’s eyes narrowed as she started to understand why the girl said this. “You are afraid to be alone, aren’t you? You think if Conrad takes a wife, he won’t want you around.”

“It’s true.”

“Nay, it’s not! I am sure that whoever your brother marries will accept you with open arms. You need to believe that.”

“I’m not well, Willow, and I know that. Conrad said he can’t care for me. He will send me to an abbey if he marries. He might send me there either way.”

“I’ll not hear another word,” said Willow. “Any woman who marries your brother will accept you and want you to live with her.”

“Would you?”

That question took Willow by surprise. She didn’t know how to answer. After all, Conrad had already pointed out that Hazel needed care that he couldn’t give her. While Willow didn’t understand what was wrong with the girl, she knew she was not the person who could help her either.

“I didn’t think so,” said Hazel with tears in her eyes.

Willow couldn’t stand to see the girl so upset. She also didn’t like the fact that Hazel felt so alone. Something inside changed and Willow realized that sometimes others’ needs were more important than her own. “Yes,” she answered, feeling good about her decision. “If I were Conrad’s wife, I would take you in with loving arms and never turn you away. You would live with us forever, Hazel, and never have to feel unwanted or alone ever again.”

“Then I want Conrad to win, and I want you to marry him. Thank you, Willow. I feel as if you are my friend.” She threw herself into Willow’s arms. Willow hugged her to her bosom, feeling like she made the right choice. It felt good to think about someone else’s needs. However, she couldn’t help but wonder if Conrad would choose her as his bride if he did win.

The crowd cheered. Willow looked up to see Sir Chester with his broken lance held high over his head. He was awarded a point. Conrad rode back to his squire shaking his head.

“Oh, no. That’s not good,” Willow told Hazel.

“Conrad, you have to win!” Hazel called out. Conrad turned around and looked over at the lists, having heard her. Willow smiled and waggled her fingers at him. He nodded and turned back to his squire.

“Was that Hazel yelling out?”asked Toby, handing Conrad a new lance. Conrad raised the visor on his helm and peered over at the crowd. “Aye, I think so. And Willow is waving at me.”

“Hello,” Toby called out, raising his hand in the air and waving back.

“Enough with the distractions.” Conrad secured his shield and slapped the visor down on his helm. Then he took the lance from Toby and held the tip in the air. “I’ve got to concentrate. This event is my last chance to keep the other men from marrying Willow.”

“But she won’t marry any of them even if they choose her. That is, if she decides she doesn’t want them. She’s been granted that right,” Toby reminded him.

“I know that, Squire. What I don’t know is if she would turn any of them away.”

“You’ll win, Sir Conrad, I’m sure you will. And then you can claim Lady Willow as your bride.”

“Perhaps,” he said, no longer sure if marrying her was what he wanted. Willow was a girl who demanded the attention of every man she met. Would she ever change, or would her looks always be the most important thing to her? And would he be able to trust her? The marshal swiped the flag through the air. Conrad gripped the lance tightly as he moved toward his opponent. “Yah!” he called out to the horse, trying to focus on naught else but hitting Sir Chester’s shield.
