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Chapter 16

Willow approached the secret garden, riding inside and dismounting in a hurry. She needed to cry and release her pent-up emotions. She had turned down two other proposals for marriage because she was saving herself for Conrad.

But he didn’t want her.

What had she done wrong? She ran to the house, throwing open the door to the cottage and stopping in her tracks. There, in the house stood, of all things, a nun!

“Oh!” she said, holding her hand to her mouth. “Who are you?”

“I’m Sister Adeline. I am here to see Imanie. Would you happen to know when she’ll return?”

“You haven’t seen her in a while have you?” Willow entered the cabin and cautiously approached the woman.

“Nay, I haven’t,” answered the nun with a smile. “I have been away on a pilgrimage to the holy lands for over a year now.”

“She’s dead,” Willow blurted out.

“Imanie’s gone?” The woman’s eyes opened wide. She reached out to touch the table, lowering herself to the chair. When she did, her traveling cape opened a little and Willow spied a heart brooch just like hers pinned to the woman’s gown.

“Where did you find my pin?” Willow reached out for it, but Adeline’s hand rose up to stop her.

“Your pin?” she asked, tilting her head and looking at Willow from the corner of her eyes. “I suppose I should have known you were chosen as well since you are here in the queen’s secret garden.”

“You – you’re a member of the Followers of the Secret Heart, too?”

“I am. Who are you?”

“I am Willow. Willow Douglas. My father is Rook, one of King Edward’s bastard triplets.”

“Nice to meet you. I didn’t think there was anyone new in the group anymore.”

“Imanie trained my cousins and me, but they’re not here right now.”

“Why did you run in here looking so upset, Willow? Were you trying to hide from someone?”

“I suppose I was.” She sat down on a chair opposite Adeline. “I was a prize bride for a competition, but I wasn’t chosen.”

“A prize bride? And you weren’t chosen? That is surprising. You are a beautiful girl.”

“Mayhap I should explain. I was chosen. Twice, actually, but I turned them down. The man I want to marry and who I thought would choose me, didn’t.”

“I’m sorry. Why didn’t he choose you?”

“He doesn’t want to marry me because he thinks I care too much about my looks and other men.”

“Do you? I notice you are dressed elegantly and even have a crown on your head.”

“It was the queen’s crown,” Willow explained. “She left it to me.”

“And what about that bracelet and ring? If I’m not mistaken, those used to be Imanie’s.”

“You’re right. I took them because I thought she’d want me to have them.”

“I see. And did you offer them to anyone else? Your cousins for instance?”

“My cousins don’t care about jewelry and things like that. I’m the only one who would appreciate them.”

“Sometimes having less is more. The physical things in life often prove to be burdensome and get in our way.”
