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Chapter 19

A week later

“Willow, I canna believe ye’re married.” Fia rocked her newborn baby, Oletha, in her arms, standing at the bottom of the dais. Her husband, Alastair, was next to her. Along with them were Fia’s sister, Morag, and her cousin, Maira. Three days ago, Willow’s father had returned from the Highlands bringing them with him.

“I still can’t believe you traveled all the way here for my wedding.” Willow looked up at Conrad and smiled. They’d just said their vows and were now husband and wife. He looked so handsome wearing his best tunic that depicted his crest of a lion and a lamb. She almost felt as if it symbolized the two of them. Although, she wasn’t sure which one she’d be now that she’d changed. Although she wore one of her best gowns and her crown in honor of her late grandmother, the only jewelry she wore was her heart brooch. She wanted to show Conrad that she didn’t need all the baubles because when she was with him, she felt beautiful inside as well as out. She even braided her hair and wore it up, because she didn’t want anyone ever to call her loose or a strumpet again.

“Willow, you do realize that Fia didn’t know we were getting married until she arrived,” Conrad reminded her.

“You mean until I agreed to it,” called out Rook from behind them.

“Willow, since ye didna come to Scotland to see my firstborn, I decided to come to ye,” said Fia.

“I still think ye shoulda stayed put,” her husband told her. “It is too soon to travel after birthin’ the bairn. Here, let me hold Oletha.” Alastair took the baby from Fia and cradled her in his arms. He was such a fierce Highland warrior but didn’t look it when he cradled the baby and made silly voices, trying to get his daughter to smile.

“Kiss the bride,” shouted Toby from behind the girls.

“Didn’t I do that?” asked Conrad, teasing Willow, as if he’d forgotten about it.

Willow playfully hit him on the arm. “You heard him, Conrad. We haven’t kissed since we’ve said our vows.”

“Oh, you all want a kiss, do you?” Conrad had a devilish look in his eyes.

“Remember, I’m watching, Lochwood,” growled Rook from the crowd. Willow’s mother, Calliope, stood with him, having traveled here with Willow’s siblings from Naward as soon as she got word about the wedding.

“We’re watching, too,” called out her older brothers. Willow didn’t miss the fact Blaise and Jarin were really looking at all the pretty girls. Her younger brothers, Darwyn and Colton, had little interest in her wedding and were over by the well playing with a hound.

“Throw the flowers,” called out Morag, moving closer to the front of the crowd.

“First the kiss,” said Willow, looking up at her husband. Conrad kissed her passionately. It lingered longer than it probably should have.

“That’s enough,” called out Rook, clearing his throat.

“Rook, they’re married now,” Willow’s mother reminded him.

“She’ll always be my little girl,” said Rook, making Willow feel emotional. “She’s my only daughter so I can be protective of her,” he added.

“Someday soon, I’m sure Willow will have a daughter, and then you can spoil your granddaughter as well,” Calliope told her husband with a huge smile.

“She’d better not be having a baby too soon.” Rook’s eyebrows dipped.

Conrad chuckled and pulled Willow closer. “Don’t worry, Lord Rook. I assure you that you won’t have to worry. Your daughter is still a virgin.”

“Conrad,” said Willow, feeling exceedingly embarrassed that he said this aloud.

Willow noticed Hazel standing next to Sister Adeline. The girl was still shy and frightened. Willow worried about her.

“Conrad, I’d like to take Hazel to live with us back to your manor house in Scarborough.”

“Willow, we’ve talked about this. We just got married, and I don’t believe we’ll have the time to give her the proper attention she needs. Mayhap, it would be better for her to stay at the abbey just until we get settled.”

“Is that really what you want?” she asked.

“Nay, it isn’t,” he admitted. “I wish more than anything that she could live with us starting now. But I don’t want to put that responsibility on your shoulders. You will have enough to take care of being the lady of my manor.”

“Then I’ll ask Sister Adeline to come live with us to watch over Hazel until things get better. Would that be all right?”

Conrad looked out to Hazel and the nun. “She does seem to like Sister Adeline. I suppose it is all right if she wants to do it.”
