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“Sweet Lucifer, he’s terrifying,” Wyatt huffed while Spencer nearly got knocked over by Gail, who needed a closer look.

“Sit down, you last-week’s bride.” Wyatt pulled her back down. “Trust me when I say you don’t ever want to play in that man’s sandbox.”

“Why not?” Blake’s detective senses started to hone in.

Ignoring them, I pushed off the wall and started a slow-sexy walk in his direction, one foot in front of the other, like a panther to the beat of a song. The white wine swirled around in my glass, which reminded me to take another sip, which I did in what I hoped was a seductive way. I took a quick glance around the room and wondered where Vinni’s brother Niccola was. He always seemed to pop up unexpectedly.

Once I reached the small, curtained-off room, I tilted my head and stared deeply at the man who returned it with one that nearly brought me to my knees.

“Mr. Capri, what are the odds?” I lifted a single brow and eyed him up and down, proud that my voice sounded normal. I switched to English and focused in on the man who sat across from him. He looked like the type that should have six gold chains around his neck. That would pair perfectly with that ridiculous suede suit and deep red shirt he wore underneath. I avoided any kind of eye contact with the two other men who stood in the back corner. “Am I interrupting anything?”

“Not at all.” The man in the suede suit smiled wide, and I was treated to a view of his silver-capped teeth in the back. “Funny, I was just saying to Elio that we should get some women in here.”

“Oh, really.” I eyed Elio. He looked outwardly calm, but I could tell by the giveaway tick of his jaw he was on his last nerve. “Well, please, don’t let me stop you.”

“You’re not. Sit.” He pointed at the chair next to Elio.

It wasn’t the first time I’d sat across from someone who most likely saw more blood than a morgue. It was all part of the job these days, and a part I did very well, it seemed. In this case, I needed to know if these men were with Elio or not.

“Thank you,” I purred and gracefully eased into the seat. I crossed my legs and smirked at the unopened bottle. “I see you got my gift.”

“Very amusing,” Elio finally said through his tight jaw.

“I thought so.” I winked playfully at him, loving my newfound courage. We had a lot to talk about, but for right now, I was going to have a little fun.

“I’m Jacob.” His friend took the lead in the conversation. “What’s your name?”

I felt Elio tense, and I figured I should tread carefully.

“Anna.” I offered my hand, and he took it, holding it a little longer than I would have liked. “Is this meeting business or pleasure, gentlemen?”

“Business.” Jacob patted a leather-bound file folder in the center of the table, then his eyes slid over to the papers in front of Elio.

Oh, Lord…

“How intriguing.” I ran my fingertips over the top of the folder. “And how’s that going?”

“Better now.” He grinned at me, and I wanted to pull back, but I held his look with a smile. “I just need dear old Elio here to give me his John Hancock, and the deal is done.”

“How very mysterious of you.” It wasn’t lost on me that this was probably the signature the men in the booth had referred to.

“So, tell me, Anna, how do you know Elio? Lovers, haters, friends…what?”

I turned my smile over to Elio as I ran my middle finger down the fabric that edged my cleavage, stopping midway before retracing its path. I was buying myself time to think of how I should navigate the situation. Maybe what I heard back at the booth was nothing, or maybe it was something. Either way, I planned on making sure Elio had all the information before signing.

“Just friends.” I shifted my gaze back to Jacob, knowing Elio would hate for anyone to know I meant something to him. “A few times, we had a moment, but it just never seemed to stick.”

“Mm,” Elio growled, and I shifted in my seat, trying to relieve the sexual tension I was feeling. “Maybe it’s because you’re so stubborn.”

“Who wants a woman who isn’t a little feisty? It adds to the fun,” Jacob retorted, and I clicked my glass to his, enjoying the quick flash of anger that crossed Elio’s face.

“A drink, gentlemen?” I reached for the open bottle and poured a double then slid it over to Jacob, who filled his empty one to the brim. I took the bottle back and gave Elio’s nearly full glass a splash. “Where I come from, when we drink, we drink doubles. Cheers, boys.” I pretended to take a sip and watched as Jacob tried to impress me, finishing off the entire glass. My stomach turned at the thought.

Whiskey was like sex. It was meant to be sipped, savored, appreciated, giving it time to warm you from the inside out. I glanced at Elio, who had his gaze fixed on me. I let my gaze drag across his lap before returning to the man in front of me.

Think, think!

“So.” Jacob eyed the contract, and I noticed the two men in the back were staring at me. “Do you think we could end this night on a high note, Elio?”
