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I allowed my mind to slip into a daze as my hand swirled the milky water around, creating wispy clouds. Once the level was high enough, I dropped my robe and slipped into the warm water. I knew I desperately needed this, and I leaned back to rest my head on a rolled towel as a long breath expelled from deep within and I sank even lower in the water. I knew I had to get my head in order, but I fought the urge to think. The wooden table across the end of the tub held a fluffy face cloth, and as I reached for it, wanting to drape it over my tired eyes, something caught my attention.

Elio was in the corner of the room watching me in that sexy, mysterious way he had.

“I’m not answering any more questions.” I sank into the water up to my chin.

“Remember the day we first met?” He spoke quietly. “You were so frightened and hungry.”

I quickly pushed those bad memories back, as they threatened my relaxation, and wondered why he was bringing them up.

“I always wondered if Francesco hadn’t forced me to go cool off at the pond that day if I ever would have met you.” I heard him move in the chair. “What a shame that would have been, because the way you made me feel was so very special. You showed me what love is supposed to feel like.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, nervous what he might share next, and I wondered if we would be able to get through it.

“The only problem with loving someone like that is that when something really terrible happens you will do anything to protect that person from any harm that might come to them. I never wanted to leave you, Sienna.” I heard the hitch in his voice, and I knew the truth was about to show itself. “It just all happened so fast, and I had to make a decision, and to this day I don’t know if it was the right call or not.”

I pressed the facecloth tight against my eyes to catch the tears that started to fall.

“That morning, I woke to Francesco rushing into my bedroom. He tossed a suitcase on my bed and started to pack my things. He told me to get dressed because we had to leave. There was a hit put out on my father, and they were on their way to the house. I was in shock as I jammed my things into a small box and was told the rest was replaceable. I flew downstairs and saw the madness that was unfolding, and all I could think about was how I was going to get to you in time. Francesco was the only one who would stop for two seconds to hear me out. He told me that I had to choose and quickly. Should I rush to get you and thrust you into a life of crime, pain, loss, and fear, and put your life in immediate danger along with ours? Or do I let you go to have a second chance at finding love and live a normal life, one you so desperately wanted.”

His hand brushed down my arm as I silently sobbed.

“I’m a selfish man, Sienna. I couldn’t get enough of your love. I was an addict, and you were a thirst that couldn’t be quenched. But what kind of a man would I have been to rob you of your choice? You had been robbed of so many things already. It was the one unselfish thing I have ever done.”

“Why?” I pulled the cloth away and stared up at him on the side of the tub. “Why didn’t you just tell me who you were? Then I could have made that choice myself.”

“I’ve asked myself that question since the day we first kissed, and I think it was because you loved me for me, the boy from the pond who waited every damn day to see your smile. Not the son of a mafia family.”

“I always suspected something.”

“I guess I underestimated you, or maybe I didn’t want to believe that you saw it. I liked being in our bubble. We were so young and happy.”

“Well.” I sat up, and his eyes dropped down to my breasts for a second before he caught himself. “That’s one thing you got wrong. When you decided to burst our bubble and leave everything behind, I didn’t get the happy life you so wished I would.”

He stood and tapped on his phone screen. “The other day, you said I left our photo behind because I didn’t care about you, but that wasn’t the case. I keptthisone because it shows one of the happiest memories I have of us.” He turned it around, and I saw a photo of me laughing at the camera. Elio was looking up at me as he kissed my fingers. “Do you really think I could ever leave without a trace of you? Our souls are entwined, Sienna.” He dragged a finger down my jaw with a look that seemed a million miles away, no doubt reliving that horrific day. “I know we have more to discuss, but I just dropped a lot on you, so,” he paused and looked at his phone, reading something that just came in, “I’ll give you some space now.”

As he left, I sank deeper into the tub and drifted below the waterline, tuning out the world while my mind sorted through the truth of what really happened that day.

I wasn’t sure how long I lay there, but when the water turned cool, I peeled myself out of the tub and found the hotel room empty.

“Elio?” I held a hand to my stomach that begged for food, but everything in the place was either pre-wrapped healthy or just healthy. I picked up my phone and tapped on his name and waited for it to connect, but I was sent to voice mail.

“Damn.” I tried a different number instead.

“I just fell asleep,” Wyatt groaned.

“Elio disappeared. Is Vinni there with you?”

“Don’t know.” He yawned. “Why?”

I looked around the dark, quiet room and suddenly felt alone and raw from my emotions.

“You want me to come and keep you company?”

I smiled briefly, loving that he would do that for me.

“No,” I lied, “I’m just going to head to bed.”

“You know how to reach me if you change your mind.”

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