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“I’m at Mariano’s house.”


“Did you?”

“No, God, no.” I rolled on to my side and stared at the house on the hill whose lights were a dim glow now.

“Sienna.” His tone changed. “Please promise me you’ll relax and let yourself have some fun while you’re working on this article.”

“I am.” My mind flashed back to last night and the bang of the gun, and a sudden chill went through me. I wanted to tell him about it, but Mariano’s words found me. I couldn’t bring my best friend into what I witnessed. “I promise I am.”

We spent the next twenty minutes talking about his sister’s wedding and how he would give anything for me to be there.

I felt tremendously better after my call. I forgot how much I missed his storytelling, and his hilarious view on the groom’s family, who apparently were one hundred percent hippy, had me laughing after I hung up. At least he liked the actual groom and was happy for his sister. His parents were often absent in his life, so I was pleased his new brother-in-law was great.

The smell of something yummy drew me to the kitchen, where I found Mariano on the phone in front of the window. As he spotted me, he pointed to the espresso machine.

I watched as he toyed with a file on the counter, and after another ten minutes, he ended the call.

“So,” he massaged the back of his neck as though he was stressed, “are you hungry?”

“I could eat.”

“Let’s take breakfast out back and talk.”

I followed him out and took a seat by the little table and looked out over the pool.

“Well, first, here.” He handed me a file and waited for me to open it. I flipped it open and read what was basically a summary of things he’d been sharing with me over the past few days. “I thought it would be easier for you instead of taking all those notes. You can just be there with me in the moment and experience it all.”

“That’s very thoughtful.” I looked up at him, completely blown away with his gesture to help me. I skimmed another page and noticed there was more information there than I would have remembered. “This is fantastic.”

“So, that makes you happy?”

“Yeah?” I laughed at his wording.

“Well, good, because I have a favor to ask you.”

“All right.” I tucked the file under my plate, so I could pick up my muffin again.

“I have this party for work tonight, and I really don’t want to go dateless. Would you come along as my escort?”

“Oh.” My mind flipped through the items in my bag. “How fancy is it?”

“Fancy, but,” he held up his hand, “I have a friend who owns a shop in town and will have everything you’ll need if you want to join me.”

I shifted my gaze away from him and took a deep breath. What the hell did I have to lose?

“All right, I think that would be fun.”

“Good.” He leaned forward for his phone and answered a call.

Here we go…
