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I had one of the steadiest hands out there. It took a lot to cause it to waver, and it was why I was good at my part of the business. But seeing someone threaten Sienna nearly brought on the shakes.

She closed her eyes and turned her face into my chest, and I glared at my friend who had almost got her killed.

“It was just a misunderstanding.” Mariano sounded irritated. “I had it under control.”

The gun twitched in my hand. He was incredibly stupid at the worst of times.

“Sienna, the guy who is holding you is my business partner.” He then looked at me. “They wouldn’t’ve hurt her.”

Sienna was molded to my chest, and it brought back memories of her lying next to me on the lounge chair, looking up at the stars.

“Hey.” I rubbed a hand down her back and spoke gently. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Her voice betrayed her words, and her body trembled beneath my touch.

“Just focus on breathing.” I coached her through the shock. “What the hell was that about?”

Mariano shrugged like it was an everyday occurrence that these men were in his house threatening him.

“It was a misunderstanding, Elio. Don’t pull the rank card just yet.” He poured himself a drink and handed Sienna one from the table. “Drink up, dear.” She reached to take it, but I could see she didn’t want it and her hand shook as she held it. Who would want a used drink poured for someone else, perhaps the man who almost killed her? “It will help with the nerves.”

I took the glass from her and tossed it in the bar sink, shattering the glass.

“You’re slipping, Mariano. Everyone sees it!” I shouted, and as Sienna stepped back, I pressed her into me again.

“Sienna,” Mariano pulled her attention to him, and I slowly let her out of my hold, “you’re good, right?”

She nodded, but her raised shoulders told me otherwise.

“Why is she even here?” I saw red with him for involving her in this whole thing. I had sacrificed my own happiness to keep her out of this hell.

He started to grow annoyed with me and rubbed his face with a groan. “I thought she was in the pool.”

“Sienna,” I addressed her myself, “what did you hear?”

“Nothing.” She answered too quickly and continued to avoid eye contact with me.

“See, nothing to worry about, boss.” He smiled at me, and I wanted to drill my fist into his skull.

“Has he exposed you to anything else, Sienna?” I had to know, but I also knew I was asking in the worst way.

She glanced at him then lowered her gaze back to the floor.

“No, nothing.”

I licked the inside of my mouth and fisted my hand to control my temper that was about to blow.

“I’m tired of cleaning up your messes, Mariano.” I kept my voice calm. “But if you don’t smarten up, you’re going to ruin what we all have worked so hard for.”

“Thanks for the pep talk.” He snickered but stepped back when I stepped forward. “I need to make some calls.” He left us alone in the room, and everything suddenly became very intense.

Sienna’s gaze was still glued to the floor, and I wondered if what just happened was too much for her to handle.

“So,” she said slowly, “he knows my face?”

I closed my eyes and cursed Mariano.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, Sienna.”
