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“We all eat the food,” I tied the apron around my midsection, “shouldn’t we all help make it?”

“I like your mindset, but we really don’t mind working here. These are good people and treat us well.”

“You don’t hear that often.” I laughed and wondered what it would be like to actually like my boss and want to spend more time with him. “So, who lives here, anyway?” I was interested to know.

He glanced over my shoulder at someone. “He does.”

I twisted around and saw Elio leaning against the wall, hands tucked in his pockets, dressed in a jet-black dress shirt, staring at me.

The fact he was wearing black wasn’t lost on me.

Jesus, my body went into hyperaware mode. My nipples strained against my bra, and I had to shift my stance to relieve some of the ache below. Flashes of the other night burst their way through.

“Evening, boss.” Donte grinned as he sprinkled more flour on the counter. “I think I may have found you a new cook.” He winked at me again and laughed.

“Mm.” He kept his dark gaze on me, and I nearly licked my lips as it dropped down my white blouse, to the black leather skirt that peeked out behind the apron. My black leather heels wobbled as I stood.

“I didn’t know you lived here.” My voice was all breathy.

Seriously, Sienna, snap out of it.

“Yes, ma’am, and he owns the winery too. You should try a glass.” Donte reached behind him for a bottle of red wine.

“Wait.” I twisted the familiar bottle around to read the label. “You own Sunflower Field wine?”

Elio nodded as he pushed off the wall and joined me at the island.

“You’ve heard of it?” Donte beamed proudly.

“Heard of it?” I chuckled. “It’s my favorite wine.”

“You hear that, boss?” Donte hit the counter, excited. “Your guest is a fan. Now, for marketing reasons, I need to know why you tried this wine.” Some of the other staff laughed at his excitement, which was quite contagious.

“Because of the label. It looks exactly—”

“Like the postcard Cara gave you years ago.” Elio finished my sentence for me, and I couldn’t help but be stunned that he remembered. “You always wanted to lay in a bed of sunflowers and watch the clouds float by.”

“Yes,” I whispered as he looked down at me, and I felt my body heat up. “Did you really name your wine after that?”

“I did.”


“Why do you still wear your necklace?”

I shook my head, thrown by his question, and when I didn’t answer, he just smiled and poured me a glass then did the same for himself.

I dusted the flour from my hands and swirled the wine around the glass, allowing it to breathe.

“Cheers.” He gently tapped my glass and watched me take a sip.

I closed my eyes for a moment and savored the smooth, full-bodied wine. I swirled my tongue around, making sure each taste bud had its turn sending the divine taste to my brain. When I opened my eyes, Elio’s jaw was locked and ticked as he stared at me intently.

His thumb came up and brushed my bottom lip, catching a drop, and my stomach flipped.

“I missed you so much,” he whispered, and I wanted to give in, but…

“There you are.” Mariano came into the kitchen with the Anna girl right on his heels. “Hey,” he snapped his fingers at Donte, who was wrist deep in pastry, “two glasses.”
