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“Yes, but I don’t think his father’s cancer was what killed him. It was too fast.”

“Are you saying Nonna killed her brother-in-law?”

“I wasn’t here.” Ugo shrugged. “It’s just what I’ve heard from other people. But he pushed back on Nonna even before Theo disappeared, so I’m sure when he took over, things didn’t go smoothly with her. He wasn’t as stupid as his son is.”

“Crazy.” I finished putting my clothes away and pulled out shorts and a tank to wear to bed. The room was nice and had a small balcony, but it felt cold and bland.

“Ugo.” Nonna Rosa was suddenly in the doorway.How did I not hear her cane?“I think it’s best if you return to your room and get some sleep.” My stomach dropped, wondering how much she heard, if anything.

Nonna turned to address me with an attempt at a smile. “You will have a big day tomorrow, and in a few days, once you’re settled, we will prepare a party to welcome you home.”

She eyed Ugo and waited for him to leave. Once we were alone, she closed the door behind her and sat in a chair by the small table.

“Come here, dear.” She motioned for me to join her. Somehow, I willed my feet to move and sat across from her. I pulled up my legs and placed my hands between my thighs to hide my nerves. “You really are quite a pretty woman.”

“Thank you.” I tucked my hair behind my ear.

“Why don’t you tell me how Ugo found you.”

Thankfully, I had this part well-rehearsed, as Ugo had warned me it was coming.

“It was the article I did inFab Magazine.”

“Yes, I understand that created quite the buzz.”

“I guess.” I shook off her comment.

“You strike me as someone who doesn’t like a lot of attention, so why would you do such a revealing article?”

“I was trying to find my mother and also to share my story that you can come from nothing and still be something if you want it badly enough.”

“Very true.”

“Ugo told me my mother wanted to meet me.”

“Oh?” Her face gave her away. Just as Ugo predicted, that information caught her interest. “Your mother is alive?”

“Yes, she is.” I pretended to brush a tear away.

I could tell by the hitch in her breath that she was either piping mad or had just realized a piece to the missing puzzle regarding our disappearance all those years ago.

“Where is she now?” Her casual tone didn’t fool me.

“I have no idea, but if you do find her, please don’t share that I’m here.”

“Oh, dear.” She rested her cool hand over mine. “Did you two have a falling out?”

“You can say that.” I sniffed and shifted as though uncomfortable with the topic. “Let’s just say when I asked her about my past and begged her for information about where I came from, she refused to tell me anything much. She just hedged around and put me off. When I finally told her I was leaving and wouldn’t play her games anymore, she tossed this ring at me, and finally the truth came out.”

“Which was?”

Lord, she was almost out of her seat with her need for information.

“That I was the daughter of Theo Coppola and that he sent us away years ago, just because I wasn’t born a boy.” I watched her pupils contract. “Of course, I know, being a journalist, that there are always two sides to every story, and given the fact that she left me on someone’s doorstep when I was just a child, there had to be a lot more tomystory.”

“Smart girl. Yes, there is,” she muttered, deep in thought. “So, Ugo knew where your mother was all along?”

“I highly doubt that.” I shook my head. “She seemed irritated that he hung around during the short time we were getting to know one another. It was like he was watching me, and the moment he got confirmation on who I was, he changed. He’s not that friendly, is he?” I faked a sad smile, and she made a noncommittal sound. “Then one day, when I had enough and went to my mother to demand details from her about where to find my family, the Coppola family…” I smiled timidly at her but got no reaction, so I went on with my story. “When I got there, her hotel room was empty. No note, no call, nothing. I went to Ugo and asked if he knew what was going on, he said he didn’t have a clue. But then he told me he knew how to find my family and offered to bring me to see you. That’s how I ended up here.”
