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“Yeah,” he sank to the table, “I’m not sure, maybe a few months.”

“Can we pull this off by then?”

“We can.” He blew out his cheeks, showing how tired he was. “We’ll just need to dig deeper and faster.”

“And if we don’t?”

“Plan B.” He half smiled. “Basically, a lot of guns.”

“I see.” I slipped behind the partition and changed out of the dress. I sagged as my ribs thanked me for the room to breathe again. “Thank you, Ugo.”

“For what?”

“For this, but for also keeping Elio in the know. I appreciate you’re willing to get along with him, unlike my mother.” I stepped back around to find him slumped in a chair.

“Look, Sienna,” his tone made me still, “your mother means well, but she carries a lot of hate inside her. I don’t agree with how she’s withheld things from you, but I also know there’s even more she hasn’t shared.”


“I don’t know, but I think Oscar may.” He rubbed his head. “It might be worth confronting her because if we’re going to pull this off, you need to know everything.”

“Yeah,” I sank down onto the bed, “you’re right.” I hated the idea of seeing my mother, but Ugo was right. I still wondered who’d sent her the magazine all those months ago.

“I’m tired. I’m going to bed.” Ugo groaned and opened the door, looking both ways.

“Night, Ugo,” I called after him, knowing he couldn’t hear me. I was exhausted and forced myself up to prepare for bed. Tomorrow would be an interesting day, and I knew I needed my sleep if I was going to face it head on.

* * *

“You certainly seemed to enjoy the party,” Nonna Rosa greeted me at breakfast. I sat outside on the patio to appreciate the warm sunshine.

“I actually had a lovely time. I really enjoyed spending time with Leonardo.” I smiled at her. I was pleased I’d made a connection with someone who was actually interesting and hadn’t tried to force himself on me or bore me to death.

“You did seem to win over quite a few guests.” She nodded approvingly. “Did any stand out to you?”

“A few.” I nodded. “Leonardo, Gabriel,” I lied, seeing if she’d offer up anything about him, “and Salvo seemed nice.”

“Salvo is a good man. He’s been with the family for a long time. He and Stefano have been friends for as long as I can remember. Gabriel is all business and a lot older than you. I would be concerned about his ability to have a son.”

“Nonna Rosa,” I lifted a leg to tuck it under me as I turned to see her better, “with all due respect to the family, I don’t need a man to become the Don. I can do this on my own. I’ve been through more than most have in one lifetime and still managed to come out on top.”

“You have, and you’re very much like your father in that respect. But rules are rules, and until my generation is gone, it’s still a man’s world. So,” she looked out over the grounds, “if you want to rule, you’ll need to find a man.” She looked at me with a knowing expression and hesitated for a few beats. “A man you can control. A front, if you will.”

Oh, what I wouldn’t have done for Stefano to hear Nonna say that.

“Understand?” She eyed me.

“Not really, but I see what you’re saying. Behind every man is a powerful woman. I just hate that it’s necessary.” I sagged back into my seat, feeling annoyed that they couldn’t move with the times. Although, what did I care? I was just waiting for the right time to help bring this sexist old syndicate to the ground.

We sat there for a while as I enjoyed my coffee, then she tapped her nail on the top of her cane.

“How are you adjusting to life here?” She leaned in, and her creepy cane-for-show caught the sunlight as she studied my face.

“Where to begin?” I half chuckled then sighed as I hugged my warm drink. “That’s like asking me to fill a jar one grain of sand at a time.” I let her see me swipe a tear away. “I don’t know, I guess I just thought by coming here I would get to know my family, get some answers, find my place. Instead, I’m viewed like an enemy by Stefano and, I must say, I felt like I was being paraded around like a prize in my new dress last night at that party.” I glanced at her, and she quickly guarded her expression.

To my surprise, she nodded like she understood. “I suppose I jumped a little quickly with your arrival. This has been an adjustment for us, too.” She glanced at me. “But you’re part of my son, and therefore part of me as well.”

“What was he like?” I sniffed, dropping my guard slightly as real emotion took hold. I missed Andrea terribly. I missed her warmth and our easy talks.
