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“What’s the point?” I bent down to check for any shoes that might have fallen between the bed and the wall. “Everyone is moving on, doing what they want. Where does that leave me?”

“Right here, right where you’re supposed to be.”

“I can’t stay here.” I brushed my hair out of my face when the door opened. Francesco stopped short when he saw my suitcase and the heap of clothes thrown inside. “Really?” I glared at Oscar, who now was standing in the corner, refusing to make eye contact with me.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving.”


“Why not?” I quickly eyed the table but looked back at him, straightening my shoulders. “My daughter obviously has her own plans and won’t listen to me, anyway. She’s chosen them over me.”

“That’s not true, and you know it.”

“She made it very clear it’s what she wants to do. Even when I told her not to.”

“Elenora,” Francesco covered his mouth with an exhausted laugh, “she’s doing this because she wants to know who her family is, but you and I both know she also wants to help bring down their syndicate.”

“She’s only doing it for Piero’s spawn of a son.”

“Don’t.” He stuck a finger in my face and backed me up a few steps. “I refuse to hear you talk that way about him. You know I consider him my blood. I’ll say this one last time, and I feel farther and farther from you each time I say it. One of these days, I’ll leave and won’t look back.”

I held my tongue. Another secret surfaced, one that would help him see why I hated the world so much.

“Maybe you wouldn’t leave if you knew—”

“Elio’s a good man, Elenora.” He cut me off. I didn’t even think he heard me because he was fuming mad. “He’s loved your daughter since the day he met her. Yes, I pushed them together, but only because they both needed someone. I couldn’t be that for her. Your anger toward my family is getting old. When will you wake up and move past it? Angelo is gone,” he caught my hand as I went to slap him, “and I’m sorry for that, but the hate you cast onto everyone around you has to stop. If you want to run away, fine, go. I’ve wasted a lifetime waiting around for you already."

I started to speak, but he cut me off again.

“But, if you leave, that’s it. I will not let you be a part of Sienna’s life anymore.”

“She’s my daughter. You have no right—”

“I was the one who did my best to raise that girl while you hid in the shadows. I know why you said you were doing it, because you wanted her away from the Capris. But I’m really not sure if that was your only reason. I know I didn’t give a damn about that. She needed someone to look out for her, and I gave her that. I gave her me, someone who’d take a bullet for her.” He flipped the lid of my suitcase over. “You want to leave, there’s the door, but do it, and we’re done.” He moved toward the door.

“Francesco, wait.” Oscar suddenly spoke up, and I glared at him as he headed for the table.

“Don’t,” I warned, not wanting him to share it. I wanted to deal with it myself.

“Elenora, I’m sorry, but he’s right. He loves Sienna just as much as we do. He needs to know.”

“Know what?” Francesco was nearly vibrating.

“This was delivered today, and it’s written just like the last one that was tucked in the magazine.”

“Last one?” He took the paper from Oscar and started to read it. “When did this arrive?”

“This morning.” Oscar glanced at me. “Mail carrier brought it. We have some people looking into it but, I’m sure just like last time, nothing will come of it.” He handed him the letter that had come along with the magazine that contained Sienna’s article. “About two weeks before we came to see Sienna, it was dropped off at our hotel room just like this time.”

“You couldn’t hide her forever?” He read the old note then looked at me like I was crazy. “Don’t you think you should have told me about this?”

“Sienna knows,” I shot back. “She could have told you or Elio, but obviously she didn’t.” I pressed my lips together as he gave me a nasty look. “Look, whoever it is could know things about me, things I would rather not have come out, so at least for now, I’m going to listen to the warning and leave.”

“And what’ll you tell Sienna?” As I didn’t have an answer for him, he looked at Oscar. “Where’s the other note?”

Oscar handed him the envelope. “It’s all in there.”
