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“She’s a monster. She was only after him for his money. She never loved him like I did, and now I’m on my own again, with nothing but pain and a baby with no father.” I sobbed, ignoring my own words.

She stood, rubbed her face, then started to pace the room.

“Who is ‘they?’ Who else knows about Theo’s death? Who else was there?”

“Oscar’s her pet, but he’s a nobody. I was hiding in a closet. Someone came back, but I got out of there, and I know they didn’t see me.” I rubbed my runny nose on my sleeve. “That bitch better hide because I’m coming for her and her stupid daughter.”

“Your mother is going to lose it, Noemi. Does she even know what games you’ve been playing here?”

“Of course.” I waved her off. She should know better than to think her sister wasn’t in on this. We weren’t like my aunt. We didn’t have any money. Papa left us broke when he died. We had to survive or die.

“Wow,” she huffed like she couldn’t believe my story, but she didn’t fool me. I knew she was just as sneaky as the rest of us. “Your mother doesn’t have the money to house you, let alone a baby!”

“She won’t be.” I bit my nail as I made up my mind. “I’m going back to Bosco. I won’t live poor anymore. I’m not like my mother.”

“Noemi,” she gasped at my comment, “my sister tried to give you a good life. No one thought your papa had a weak heart.”

“Well, lucky for me, my heart isn’t weak.” She shook her head at me and tossed her hands in the air before leaving me alone to mourn.

That evening, after Aunt Giana left for her shift at the hospital, I dialed the number from the back of a restaurant card that he’d given me on the night we met. I picked up the little outfit my aunt had gotten me that read “Mommy’s little angel” and rubbed my thumb over the lettering.

“Bosco,” he snapped over the line, and I rolled my eyes before slapping on a smile as though he could see me.

“Hi,” I used my sweetest voice, “it’s Noemi.”

“Oh, hi.” His toned changed a little, and I heard a door shut. “How is everything? How’s the baby?”

Bosco had checked in with my mother a few times, but she’d stopped passing the messages along when I stopped caring to ask for them. Later, after a month in, I let him know I was living with Giana since she was a nurse, and I’d sold him on the story that I was a high-risk pregnancy. He agreed it was the best option until we both knew what was happening. It was no secret that he loved Amara. They were public with their relationship, and I knew he was worried about ever getting this call. I also knew Bosco was basically a good man and would do the right thing when it came down to it. I loathed the idea of living with Piero and his perfect wife, Andrea, but really, what other choice did I have? Theo was gone, and if this baby was a boy, it would secure my spot in that high-profile family. And if it was a girl, they wouldn’t cast me aside like Rosa would. At this point, Bosco was my only option.

“He’s getting big.” I let the bait linger in the air.


“My gut is telling me it’s a boy. My aunt even had a doctor look me over, and since the baby is sitting so low, he ran an ultrasound and predicted it’s a boy. And,” I paused to sniff dramatically, forcing more lies out of my mouth, “he’s healthy, I’m healthy, and even if he comes out tomorrow, they’ll be able to save him.” I swallowed down the bile that crept up the back of my throat. “I think it’s time we shared the news with everyone.”

“Jesus,” he half laughed, half choked. I knew I was dangling the one thing that would make his father and family proud. He could roll the dice with Amara, or he could have his silver platter with me and a son.

When he went suddenly silent, I tossed one last thing at him. “I know this wasn’t what either of us was expecting,” I whispered coyly, “but we have a responsibility to this baby, and I for one am going to love him more than anything in this world. I only hope his father feels the same way.” I rolled my eyes and dug deep. “What do you say? Can we try to give this little boy a family?”

“Wow,” he let out a long breath, “I’m having a son.”

I closed my eyes and leaned back in the chair, knowing I’d hooked him.

I knew I was dreaming, but it felt so real. The wind kissed my face and whisked my hair around my cheeks. I smiled up at Elio as he wrapped a warm arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

“I love you.” He kissed my temple, letting his lips linger there, sealing his words. “Come. I have something to show you.”

When I turned, I saw my mama with her gun pointed at me.

“What have you done?” she shouted, then she pulled the trigger and sent a bullet through Elio’s chest.

I woke with a jerk, grabbing my chest as my heart left bruises on my ribcage.

“What were you dreaming about?” Elio’s voice found me, and I squinted to find him in the dark. He leaned forward, and the moonlight outed his position.

“You scared me.” I ran my hand through my hair with a huff. “I was just reliving my mother’s last few moments on Earth. When did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago. We need to talk.” He dove right into it. “You need to know that they were after you.”
