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“Perhaps.” He kissed me again, and I heard Vinni chuckle behind us. “But first, we have some business to attend to.” He laced his hands through mine, motioning Wyatt and Piero to follow us. I was pleased he let the baby conversation go, at least for tonight. I had enough on my plate.

As we walked through the house, I thought how impossible it was that Elio was even more handsome in that moment than I’d ever seen him. He looked like he just stepped out of a men’s mafia magazine. Three-piece suit like his father’s, crisp white handkerchief with a splash of gold on the edge, engraved cufflinks, and his favorite Bontoni shoes.

In fact, everyone was dressed to perfection. Even poor Niccola, who struggled to hide the fact that he was still in some discomfort, looked the part. I smiled as Ugo helped him into his chair.

Yes, something big was definitely up. I hoped Elio knew what he was doing.

The outdoor table under the weeping trees looked beautiful. I’d forgotten just how much I loved this place. It all looked positively whimsical, all done in gold and black décor. The table runner was black and had golden designs woven through it. The black roses were nestled in tall, thin vases, the white plates had gold trim, and little crown-shaped chocolates peppered the empty spaces between the serving dishes. As I got closer, my eyes were drawn to a servant pouring red wine into glasses that matched perfectly with the shape of the vases. It was truly spectacular how much talent Elio’s mother had for decorating. Something, however, looked totally out of place and stood vastly different from the rest of the décor. Two very old and grand-looking wooden chairs stood at either end of the table. They almost looked like medieval thrones with their odd carvings over the black leather padding.

Elio pulled out a chair next to one of the thrones and inclined his head to me. Once I was settled, Andrea did the same at the other end, then Elio and Piero stood at either end of the table and looked at one another.

It was Piero who spoke first as he raised a glass in the air for silence. “Let the crow fly high and watch over those who seek to harm. Let the loyal warriors fight with strength to protect our families. Let the crown rest on the head of who will rule our people and honor all that we stand for. For we are the dark crow who watch over all.” Andrea’s gaze found mine, and her eyes sparked with excitement at her husband’s words. “Though tradition has been twisted this time around, there’s nothing wrong with change. And with that change comes this.” Piero looked at his son. “Your title is underboss, but I think it’s safe to say that you’ve performed well beyond that position. You’re a born leader, Elio, and now it’s time for me to pass the torch and not limit your full potential. I have never been prouder to call you my son and now to call you Don of the Capri syndicate.”

Oh, my…I took a quick glance at Wyatt, whose wide eyes were already on me.

“Wow,” I mouthed as the whole table cheered. I knew he was wondering what was going through my head in that moment. I was in love with a Don of a syndicate, but he still didn’t know the biggest bombshell of all. He didn’t know who I was.

“Thank you, Papa.” He hushed the crowd, never liking any kind of attention on himself. “It would be my honor to accept the role. As Don, I can only hope to live up to your expectations and those of the family. With that, I’d like us all to drink a toast to my papa.” Everyone drank, and a cheer rose for Piero, who dabbed at his eyes.

Elio then held up his hand to speak again.

“I would like to ask Francesco, if you would, to continue as myconsigliere.”

“It would be an honor.” Francesco gave a small smile and inclined his head. It wasn’t hard to see how much the last days had affected him.Any emotion for my mama’s death is still not there. Time of death of me caring, two days ago, sometime in the morning.

“Niccola,” he addressed his oldest cousin, “I would like nothing more than to have you as my underboss.”

“I’ve always had your back, Elio, and always will.” He nodded while his little brother Vinni congratulated him by holding up his glass.

“To new beginnings,” Andrea added over the cheers.

I hopped to my feet and clapped with everyone else, grinning at the man who deserved this more than anyone.

“I’m really happy for you, Elio.”

“Thank you, mybella.” He leaned down and kissed me gently. “Now we’re going to rule all of Italy as one.”

I felt a dark, exciting shiver as our eyes met, and the power that surged through me in that moment was incredible.

I peeled open my puffy eyes and attempted to blink the soreness away. I had been living in my car since the fire at the Coppola mansion. I’d needed time to try to figure out how to get myself out of this mess. I needed to know what Elenora had said to Sienna before she died so I’d know if it was safe to go home. Had that little bitch snitched on me to Elio? Or did she know nothing at all?

Why couldn’t she just have died in that fire? Why do bad things always happen to me? I’m a good person just trying to survive in this crappy world. First, I lose my Theo, then that bitch kills him, ending any future I had.

I knocked the bag of chips off the passenger seat to make room for my legs. I’d been driving all over the place looking in every spot I could think of where that old bat could hide. Then I’d caught a break last night. Now it was a waiting—

“Ah ha, so there you are, you stupid old bat!” I’d spotted her. I tugged at the edge of my sweater to wipe the food off my face and did a quick fix of my hair. I knew I looked like I felt. Horrible. Living on gas station food and coffee had done a job on my stomach as well.

I kicked open the driver’s door and marched across the road to the side door of a local church.

“I should have known you’d come back here,” I hissed at her as I knocked her suitcase out of her hand. It hit the floor with a bang.

“I wondered when you’d show your face.” She held a hand to stop herconsiglierefrom stepping in.

“What did you do?” I shouted, not able to contain myself any longer.

“What I had to do.” Rosa fixed her sweater to sit just right. “You have your memories, Noemi. They’re just things.”

“You took all his photos and belongings. Everything else of Theo’s is now reduced to ashes and soot. You could have told me the plan.”
