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“That can wait until after this.”

“After what?” She stepped outside and saw the little white wagon. “Oh, how sweet.”

“Yes, I’m very sweet, but don’t tell anyone.” I took her hand while she laughed, and we walked together up to the Hill House and down into the sunflower garden. When we got to the perfect place, I rolled out the blanket and motioned for her to sit.

“You told me a long time ago that you wanted to sit in the middle of a sunflower garden and stare up at the clouds.”

“I did, yes.”

“Well, today we are going to do just that.”

“Okay.” She lay down, and I joined her, pulling her into my side. We both looked up to watch the puffy white clouds as they slowly drifted by with a little help from a light breeze. The sunflowers made a rustling noise as their leaves brushed one another. “Gosh, I’ve waited a lifetime to do this.”

“So have I.”

“What?” She strained her neck to look at me, but I just kissed her head. “Look, that one looks like an elephant. See the trunk and the ears?” She drew the outline, and I could see what she was picturing.

“There’s a cupcake.” I pointed.

“A bird over there.”

“I see it.” I began to let go of the stress each day brought and allowed it to slowly drift off with the clouds. It had been a long time since I had stopped and just enjoyed a morning. My head felt lighter than it had in a long time. “What about that one?” I pointed. “Right there, it looks like a heart.”

“I don’t see a heart.” She giggled. “Now you’re reaching.”

“No, it’s right there.” I held up the ring so it would catch the light and, she stilled as she realized what it was. I turned onto my side and looked down at her. “You deserve to be asked this question in a place that is special for you, and it just so happens this place is special to me, too.” I ran my finger down her cheek and saw her eyes gloss over. “I’ve loved you forever, Sienna. Maybe even in a past life I hunted for you. I will always hunt for you.” I wiggled my eyebrows, and she let out a little laugh. “The boomerang always brings us back together. Let’s do this right and make it official. Will you marry me and be mine forever, Sienna?” Her tears fell, and she nodded.

“Yes! Of course, I will.” I slipped the ring on her finger then swooped down to kiss her. Then she pulled away and sat up to admire the shape of the stone.

“It was my nonna’s on my mother’s side,” I explained. “She was a wonderful woman and died way too soon. Mama showed it to me and told me when I was ready to give it to you, I could have it.”

“It’s stunning.”

“I didn’t want us to go on the tour without doing this properly.” I handed her a glass and filled it with her favorite prosecco. I tapped my glass to hers. “To another new beginning, and this time, we’ll get it right.”

“Where are you?” Wyatt’s phone rang and rang, and I closed my eyes when his voicemail picked up. I waited for the beep and cleared my throat of emotion. “I don’t know what kind of interview Georgio has you on, but you need to call me back. Elio proposed, and I need to tell my best friend every detail, but you’re not picking up. Just…” I sighed heavily. “Just let me know you’re all right, okay?”

“Hey.” Vinni came into the kitchen and snagged a coffee cup. The guys were playing Rummoli in the other room, and I could hear their happy chatter. “You looked stressed. Is leaving for the tour bothering you?”

“No, I’m worried about Wyatt.” I slumped over the island and rested my forehead on the counter. “He isn’t answering his phone.”


“Yeah. It’s been three days, and that’s not how we work. We always call each other back within twenty-four hours if one of us leaves a message, even if it’s just a quick ‘I’m okay.’ I know we’re co-dependent, but it works for us.”

“I wasn’t thinking that.” He leaned his back against the counter while he thought. “He also told me he’d check in yesterday and didn’t.”

“What? Why would he check in with you?” He sipped his coffee and avoided eye contact with me. “Vinni, what are you saying? You know I can shoot, and I’m mighty fine with a blade, so don’t make me do something I’ll regret.”

The corners of his mouth fought to rise, and he licked his lips to stop the smile that begged to be let loose.

“He called to tell me he felt like he was being followed. I got him to give me the plate number and a description, but the car came back fine. He agreed he was just being paranoid. You know, now he’s friends with a mafia Donna.” He smiled, but his face had begun to reflect a little worry.

“Anyone can steal a car. Damn it, you know that.”

“I know.” He held up a hand to stop my rant. “That’s why I stayed with him until he checked into his hotel. He did tell me he’d check back in the next day, but he also said he had a lot lined up with the guy he was meeting. I wasn’t that concerned when he didn’t call. I was going to wait until this afternoon before I called him myself.”

My phone rang, and I shot up, seeing it was Salvo. Vinni called in Elio as I answered it on speaker phone.

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