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I sat back in the seat and held on as I tried to stop my head from spinning out of control. This was crazy. My mother was dead, we’d been attacked by God knew who, Niccola was shot, and I had no idea if Elio and the rest of them were okay. My hands twisted between my legs, trying to hide my shakes. My arms and legs were filthy, and my dress was wet from rolling about on the damp ground. My mind kept going back to try to make sense out of it all.

Once we got onto the open highway and merged with the other cars, I took my first deep breath. Francesco had an earpiece in, and it sounded like he was talking to someone. He was speaking quietly as his eyes flicked to the mirrors every few seconds.

After a little while more of driving, I grew impatient with the murmurs that were too low for me to hear. I wanted to know what his plan was. I removed my shoes, tossed them in the front seat, then climbed over the seat, careful not to bump Francesco’s arm as he held the wheel. He eyed me as I situated myself and clicked the belt across my chest. He finished his call and glanced at me.

“You’ll keep me in the loop with Niccola?” I asked quietly, and he nodded. “Are Andrea and Vinni all right?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Good, and the rest?”

“I’m waiting for a call.” I noticed he stretched his fingers on the wheel, and I knew he was just as nervous as I was. He didn’t know what was going on either.

“Okay.” I rolled my arm to inspect my throbbing elbow. “I appreciate your help back there.”

“I’m just glad I was there in time.”

“Me too,” I agreed, hoping I still had some fight left in me if I needed it. “Where are we going?”

“We need to keep moving until told otherwise.”

I eyed him, wondering what that meant. “Am I being tracked?”

He held up a finger and answered the phone that went straight to his earpiece.

“Remember to let me know if you hear anything. I need to know if he’s okay.”

He nodded.

That was all I got from Francesco as he took multiple calls, and I found my head shutting down, needing to reset. I pulled a suit jacket from the back seat and carefully folded it to use as a pillow against the window. I wasn’t sure how far away we were from wherever we were going, but I knew if I was going to keep it together, I needed some sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off to the sound of the engine.

* * *

The sun was just starting to set by the time Francesco nudged me awake. He looked the way I felt. Drained physically and mentally. He came around and opened my door, took the makeshift pillow, and draped it over my shoulders.

He whisked me past the hotel’s receptionist and into the elevator then hit the button for the top floor. I wondered if we looked funny checking in without any luggage. I caught my reflection in the only shiny spot of the worn double doors and cringed inwardly at my appearance. I looked like I’d been scraped up off the side of the road. Oh, wait, that was pretty much what had happened to me. I closed my eyes at my sad joke and decided some big changes needed to happen. I refused to go backward because of the choices I’d made up until now. I’d worked incredibly hard not to be that person, all battered and full of secrets and sins. I stood up straight.

“Have you spoken to Elio?” I whispered through a sore jaw.

“No, not yet.”

“I need to know when you do.”

“I promise.”

I nodded as we shot upward in the tiny box.

Thankfully, the walk from the elevator to the room wasn’t far, just two doors down. Once inside, I was surprised at how large it was. My impression so far hadn’t been great, but it was a nice room. Perhaps the darkness had made it seem small and rundown from the outside.

Bed called my name, but at the same time I was wired and full of confusion.

“Shower is over there.” He pointed to a room tucked in a corner. “I’m going to order us some food, and we’ll figure the rest from there.”

“All right.” I liked the sound of that and disappeared into the bathroom.

The water was hot and soothed the aches and scrapes from this morning. I scrubbed my nails and the dirt from my hair and took a few moments to collect myself under the heavy steam.

Once I was dried off, I slipped on the robe that hung on the back of the door and ran my fingers through my hair. How I wished I had my toiletries.

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