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“Andrew is a lot like Elio. He doesn’t keep me in the dark. When Andrew and I met in college, we fell in love, and when his father saw how good I was at moving money around, he got me a job here.” She grinned like something came to her. “It also helps that I’m very observant and demand to be kept in the know.”

“I like that.”

“Yeah,” she speared the cherry in her drink with a toothpick, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

I nodded my agreement then took a sip of my prosecco. I drew in a deep breath, happy in the knowledge that Elio looked at me like an equal as well. I’d really lucked out with him.

I scanned the room and spotted him on his phone. He looked fit to kill.

Uh oh.

“How many people are there left for me to meet?”

“Umm,” she leaned in her chair and did a quick count, “ten more, maybe?”

“All right, let’s get this over with,” I said, and she stood and looked around. I watched her approach the man she had brushed off earlier. She invited him over, and he took a seat in the chair she had left. With her hand on his shoulder, she made some last-minute comments that had him smiling at me. I leaned in with renewed determination and began a conversation.

Ten more people turned out to be a lot more, but it didn’t take me long to discover what they all wanted to hear. My gut was right; they wanted nothing to change. I reassured each one that the only thing that would be different was the person collecting the cash at the end of the month. Rather than Pippo Coppola, it was now me.

Elio and I had discussed running the Coppola territory exactly the way he ran the Capri territory, but I had my reservations about making such a huge change so quickly after the Coppola syndicate’s downfall. It was my feeling that we should ease in and make small changes at first. Resistance and mistrust came with changes made too quickly. We couldn’t just bore into their lives and businesses and expect them to accept the Capri way without building that trust first. I was pleased that Elio listened then stepped back and gave me the space to make some moves of my own. I made some calls and possibly some mistakes, but I knew I could learn what worked to build the relationships I needed.

I also was pleased that Elio had taken the time to explain what the night was all about. He explained the contracts that were already in place, and those we hoped to form in the future. Knowing those details really helped give me a leg up. I felt confident and positive as I talked to these men and women about what was to come. I didn’t promise anything I couldn’t hold up to.

My phone buzzed against my lap, and I had to peek at who it was.

Niccola: Say you have to come out outside for a breather. I need your help just for a sec. It’s for Elio’s birthday. Can you slip away?

I knew Vinni and Niccola had been planning something special for Elio. I was pretty sure it was a custom sports car they were importing from Britain. I’d overheard Niccola on the phone with someone saying he didn’t care that there were only three made, he wanted one. Niccola had some incredibly impressive hookups all over the world. It even amazed Elio at times. It was certainly an odd request at this particular time, but, of course, I couldn’t refuse him.

I scanned the crowd and saw Vinni walking toward the door with a girl. I shook my head with a smile. He never failed to have a beautiful woman on his arm.

A man approached me, but I stood with an apologetic smile.

“Forgive me, but I just need a few minutes. If you wouldn’t mind waiting, I’ll be right back.”

“Of course.” He gave a slight bow and stepped back so I could pass.

I walked in the direction of the restroom then casually snagged a drink from a tray and veered off and slipped out a back door. I sipped as I strolled along, enjoying a moment away from the crowd. I glanced at my phone as I made my way along the path.

Niccola: We’re in the side driveway near the garage.

Sienna: On my way.

I made a quick turn and rounded the house then cut through some shrubs toward a garage. I hid a chuckle when I heard Vinni’s voice coming from the shadows near what looked like a pool house. His deep voice and a giggle prompted a quick look. The girl had let her dress slip down around her ankles as Vinni took her hand and helped her step out of it. Her skin gleamed under the pool lights. I sighed and silently wished him luck as I quickly looked away. I assumed they’d reappear at the party in a bit.

As I neared the garage, I looked around.

Sienna: Where are you?

Niccola: I see you. Look where the second detached garage is. See the covered car? Francesco and I are right there.

I squinted to see in the dark and tried to pinpoint them.

Suddenly, something struck me as strange.

Wait. Francesco had been speaking with Andrew when I passed by them only a moment ago. How could he get down here before me?

A cold feeling prickled up my spine, and before I could react, something was whisked over my head, and a hand grabbed me around the waist.

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