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“You must be Sienna,” he said in English and looked me up and down as I felt the blood drain to my feet. “There’s no need to kill me, I promise you that.” He smirked, amused with my comment. “Nah, we’re just here for the entertainment.”

“Good to hear.” I sagged into Elio, who wrapped an arm around me.

“Sienna, this is Trigger and his wife Tess.” I turned my head to take in the stunning blonde who was in the process of removing her helmet. She placed it carefully on the seat of her mean-looking bike.

“Hey!” She waved, but my gaze jolted back to the huge, tattooed man in front of me. I was frozen to the spot. “Don’t mind him,” she laughed, “I know he can be intimidating. Trigger, let her pass,” she called. I forced myself to move and stepped toward her. As I got close, she reached over and offered me her hand.

“Where are you from?” I wasn’t even sure where to begin.

“Vegas.” She shrugged. “Elio and Trigger go way back. Elio let us use his villa for our honeymoon. I’m really enjoying Rome. We’ve been touring the city, and I’m pleased to say even Trig has found some things that interest him.”

I eyed the now moving thing behind the big guy’s bike and figured we were not here for a purely social visit.

“Where was he?” Elio directed his comment at Trigger. He stayed close to my side, not letting me stay more than a few feet out of his reach.

“He was spotted at a truck stop. We just happened to be eating there.” Trigger grinned, and I wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not, but I wasn’t about to ask too many questions.

“He’s not that scary,” Tess whispered, “unless he’s sexually frustrated, then that’s a different story. That’s when I really get what I want.”

Trigger slowly turned his massive body to look at her, and she just shrugged while I peed a little.

“Guess he was hiding out, staying with some of the junkies.” Trigger shrugged. “He started running his mouth about how you were looking for him. Junkies ain’t no one’s friend. Guess he didn’t get the memo. Let’s just say one of them took the opportunity to get some easy money. So, a few bills later, they let me know where he ate.”

“I see.” Elio nodded. “What do I owe you?”

“Oh,” Trigger chuckled darkly, “no need for that, man. I had a lot of fun.”

“Ah,” I tried to find my voice, “who was it that you found?”

Trigger stepped aside, and my eyes followed the chain that ran from his bike to whoever or whatever was attached to the end of it. Elio slipped off his jacket and placed it neatly over the hood of the car, then he walked over to the bike. I followed and watched as Elio yanked on the chain and dragged the package closer.

“Oh, my God, is that…?”

“Yup,” Trigger said from behind me, “the shit from the woods. Special delivery, just as I promised my friend here.” His slow smile grew, then he spat at his feet.

“I appreciate you taking the time from your honeymoon to pick him up for me.” Elio nodded.

“Yes, I appreciate it, too.” I smiled at them. “The fact that you’re visiting Rome and now are here in a field where we’re about to kill someone is very much appreciated.” I figured if they were friends of Elio’s and had brought Mariano, they must know the plan.

“It’s the cherry on top for our trip.” Tess winked, but I could see she was serious.

What the hell kind of comment was that?I found myself laughing at how sadistic she was.

“He’s the shit from my nightmares, so I hope I get a part in it.” I laughed, making Trigger chuckle with approval.

I stood over Mariano’s battered body and nudged his shoulder with my shoe.

“He’s alive. I made sure I was careful.”

“Good,” I nodded, and Elio stood next to me, “I want to finish what I started.”

“What does that mean?” Elio raised his eyebrow.

I kicked him in the ribs, and his mouth opened to show his missing teeth. When Elio made the connection, he looked up at me.

“The teeth you sent Papa, they were his?”

“I wished it was proof of a hit,” I whispered, repeating what I wrote on the note to Piero when the teeth arrived in the mail, and Elio smiled, clearly impressed.
