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“We shall.”

Tess was in the middle of sharing a story with Sienna, so we both grabbed a beer and stood, listening.

“I’m tellin’ ya,” Tess held up a strange looking purple thing, “carry one of these in your purse and all your problems are handled.”

“Do you buy that shit in bulk?” Trigger hissed.

“What is it?” I studied the thing in her hand.

She tossed it at me, but Trigger reached out and snatched it from the air. “Trigger!”

He crushed whatever the hell it was within his hand and tossed it in the fire. A double A battery dropped at his feet.

“Trust me, you’re welcome.” He glared at his wife, and I decided I didn’t want to know.

“And that’s why they invented Amazon.” Tess pulled out her phone, and Trigger muttered something, making her laugh.

Trigger leaned to one side and pulled out his buzzing phone. He glanced at the ID for a moment before he answered.

“Irons, what’s going on?” Trigger walked a few steps away from us, and I came up behind Sienna, lifted her chin, and kissed her.

“Thanks for including me today,” she murmured against my lips.

“We’re a team now.” I kissed her again. “We’re in this together.”

“You two are really cute.” Tess sighed. “Oh, Elio, I heard your cousin Vinni has some connections with the Cartels. Any chance he could dig up some info on a certain name for me?”

“Anyone in particular?” I straightened.

“Yes, actually. Brick’s brother.”

“His brother is part of the Cartel?” That was news to me.

“Yes, or just mixed in and maybe over his head. We’re not sure. Brick is keeping things quiet, but I know it’s weighing on him. I’m a bit nervous for him and Minnie.”

“Really?” I had thought Brick seemed a bit off at the fight in Vegas. I wondered if it was connected to his brother. “What’s his name, and what do you know about him?”

“From what I know, he’s changed his name to Dave Wilson, and he used to have connections to Washington.”

“Used to?”

“I don’t know much. I’m thinking he’s mixed up with the Cartels now since Brick seems to be spending a lot of time in Mexico.” She looked at Trigger then over at me, and she seemed to make a decision. “Normally, I wouldn’t ask such a favor from someone I’d just met, even if you are a friend of Trigger’s.” She chewed her lower lip. “I would normally call Savannah and get her to speak with Logan. It’s just that lately I get the sense,” she nodded in Trigger’s direction, “that there’s tension in the house.”

“Oh?” I looked over my shoulder and watched Trigger stroke his beard as he talked.

“Mike Irons has called him a lot lately.” She pointed her chin at Trigger.

“Who’s Mike Irons?” Sienna asked, trying to follow along.

“He’s part of a U.S. military team,” I answered. I wondered what in the world could be happening. Trigger had told me about Cole Logan and his Blackstone team a few years back. A family member of mine had gone missing on holiday in Texas. I didn’t take up Cole’s offer of help at the time, as Vinni got him back, but from what I knew, that team was run like a well-oiled machine. I hoped she was wrong about things not going well.

“I hope everything’s all right…” Sienna’s voice trailed off when Trigger came back to join us.

“All good?” Tess asked. “Did—”

“Yeah.” He cut her off with a look. Clearly, the story wasn’t meant for our ears. From his grim expression, it was easy to read that things were far from good.

“Shit,” Tess murmured with closed eyes.
