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I can tell he’s scanning the horizon. I wonder if he ever gets tired of being alert all the time.

Cole grabs my hand after I hop out of the truck. “Take a walk with me?”


He holds my hand and leads me to a path in the woods. We walk in silence, with only the sound of the snow crunching under our boots. Arriving at a clearing on the top of a hill, we look down at the lake. The moon is bright, and it casts a shimmering trail through the ripples in the water.

“Wow,” I murmur, not wanting to break the mood. “It’s so pretty.”

“Savannah?” Cole says quietly.

I turn and find him staring at me.

“I want you to be extra careful when I’m gone. No trips to town, no running off into the woods. Please, keep someone with you at all times. Promise me?”

I nod; I understand how serious this is.

He steps toward me. “I need to be able to focus while I’m away. I need to keep a clear head.”

“I promise, Cole. I do understand. Don’t worry, I won’t run off, I—”

“I’m in love with you, Savannah.”Oh. “I couldn’t go away this time without telling you. This is a first for me. I’ve never felt or said those words to any woman before.”

My eyes brim with tears. “Cole.” I clear my throat. “I hate that the first time I’m saying this to you, you’re leaving me, but…I love you too.”

He closes his eyes and breathes out a shaky sigh.

I cup his face with my hands. “It’s a first for me too.” I kiss him softly. “Promise me you’ll come back to me.”

He tightens his arms around me. “I promise, baby.”

I wake with a start, my eyes feeling puffy. Reaching behind me, I remember he had indeed left me last night. It seems like only moments ago we were tangled in the sheets together, showing one another how much love we had to give. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s nine thirty already. I jump out of bed and head to the shower. I can’t believe I slept so long.

“Hi, Savi.” Abigail hands me a cup of coffee as I take a seat at the island. She slides me a red box with a bow. “Cole left this.” She smiles, waiting for me to open it.

I pull on the bow and slowly open the lid. My hand flies to my mouth as my eyes fill and overflow with tears.


I turn it around to show her the crystal teardrop with the fortified snowflake inside.

“Oh, Savannah it’s beautiful,” she exclaims, clutching her hands together over her chest in a moment of joy.

“I saw it last night in a shop while we were walking to Zack’s. Cole must have slipped away after his phone call.” I pull out a note stuck on the bottom as she helps me clasp it around my neck.

To remember the day we spoke

those special words,

Yours – C

I hold it to my chest as a lump builds in my throat. “Abby?” I sniff, then feel a huge wave of nausea. My head spins so hard I almost fall off the stool. “Whoo.”

“Savannah?” I see Abigail call out, but I barely hear her. Sweat breaks out across my neck, and my stomach turns. Oh, my God, have I been poisoned again?

She shoves a bucket in my face just in time for me to loudly empty my stomach.

“Oh, my,” Sue says from somewhere behind me. “Let’s get her to bed.”
