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“We’re aborting the mission. The others are hit. We need to get them out of here. GF One and R Two have both lost a lot of blood. If we get separated, meet back at our command post.”

John nods, and they start toward the front entryway. A man comes into view on John’s right.

Cole lunges forward, covering the man’s mouth while wrapping his arms tightly around the startled target’s neck, cutting off his airway. He orders John to move on.

The man elbows Cole in the stomach, but Cole squeezes harder until the man stops struggling and goes limp. Cole sees his men making for the door, then he spots another two men heading toward them from deeper within the residence.

Cole quickly pops a bullet in the first man’s head and is about to do the same to the second when he takes a hard blow to the back of his head. He drops to his knees, a loud ringing sound taking over his brain right before his vision goes dark. His face hits the ground with a heavy thud.


I roam the property, soaking up the sun even though it’s still freezing out. Derek stays close. We’ve managed to get past our awkward moment in the kitchen and have started to build a friendship. I am thankful for that, since living under one roof with so many people can take its toll.

He’s still flirty, but I think it’s all in good fun. We chat about music as we approach the front of the house.

“Other than blues, what else do you listen to?” he asks, tucking his hands in his jacket pockets.

“Umm, Beck, Radiohead, Weezer, and I fell in love with this Canadian band called the Tragically Hip.” I grin, remembering one of their songs calledAhead by a Century. I must have played it twenty times in a row one day. “They started in the early eighties. You should check ’em out. They’re an alternative rock band.”

“So, you like alternative rock?”

“I like all music, but yes, that would be my second favorite.” I smile, then spot Keith watching us from the porch. A slow chill runs up my spine as he slowly starts to walk our way.

“Savannah, can you come join me inside?” Keith asks, looking white as a ghost. Panic forms and grows inside my stomach, making its way to my heart, which is now beating rapidly. I see Derek make eye contact with Keith.

A moment later, Derek takes me by the arm and walks me toward the front door. I don’t want to be indoors.

I want to run far away from what they’re about to tell me. I don’t want to think the worst, but it’s there, teeter-tottering between the good and the bad. One moment I’ll be okay, then the next I’m looking for an exit.

Keith opens the door to Dr. Roberts’s office.

I feel the tension in the room, and a rush of goose bumps breaks out, making me shiver.

Daniel’s arm is wrapped around Sue. Her eyes are glossy and her hands are clenched into fists.

Oh, God. I look around at everyone’s faces as a haunting prickle dances along the back of my neck.

June holds out her hand for me to sit next to her. I do, nearly falling over my shaky feet.

Abigail joins us a moment later, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Dr. Roberts gives her shoulder a quick squeeze. Everyone is painfully quiet as Daniel gives Keith a nod to begin.

“Fifty-four hours ago, Team Blackstone entered the house known to be The American’s main residence.” He clears his throat as mine closes. “Things didn’t go according to plan. They had to abort the mission. While attempting to retreat, they came under fire. Everyone got out, except Cole.”

Everything stops. Time. Movement. Brain waves. Breathing. Heartbeat—you name it, it just stops.

I barely hear his next words, but they eventually find me. “We do know he’s alive.”

“How?” Sue cries out, reaching for her husband, who grips her hand tightly.

“We’ve received confirmation from Washington that the satellite camera picked up an image of Cole being transported to an unknown location by The American and the Cartels.”

My lungs beg me to take a deep breath. Finally, I do, letting out a horrible sob.

Abigail leans over, rubbing my back as I fall forward onto my thighs.

“We don’t know all the details, but the guys are in pretty bad shape and have been ordered to return to the house once they’ve been checked out by the medic in Washington.”

“They…they left him there?” I whisper, hot tears coursing down my cheeks.
