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“You paying attention? ’Cause this is where it gets interesting.”

Cole glares over at him, dropping his hands and straightening up.

“One night, I found the Mayor drinking in his office. He confessed that someone contacted him with proof of life for Savannah, but since he didn’t pay right away, now they were blackmailing him, saying he’d set the whole thing up. I knewLos Sirvientes Del Diablostold him I was behind it all. I could tell by his look. I thought it was over, but instead, he asked for my help. I was shocked. After all, she is his daughter, but I dodged a major bullet. We both want to be at the top, and we’ll do whatever is needed to get there.”

He claps his hands, making Cole’s head pound. “So, a new plan is hatched! We start to use the media as much as possible. No one could accuse us of not caring about our missing Savannah. We ignore the ransom demands and hope they’ll dispose of her. Everything was running smoothly. There was no contact with them, everything was good. But then, a few months later, I’m at a bar, and boots, here,” referring to The American, “approaches me, saying we better pay up, or they’re going to release a recording they have with the mayor on the damn phone discussing the ransom deal. They were going to prove he did know his daughter was alive, and he didn’t give a shit. So, we started low balling. We started with fifty grand, just to buy us some time to think, but before we got the chance, she vanishes into thin air.”

Cole leans back, trying to get his aching head to absorb all the information Luka is throwing at him.

“Hang on.” Cole stops his babbling. “You thought ignoring a group with ties to the Cartels was going to make them go away? Had you even heard of the Cartels before you got involved with them?” This guy is seriously stupid.

“They got paid for taking the girl. As far as I was concerned, our deal was finished. They were the ones who didn’t fulfill their end of the bargain.”

“You’re playing stupid in the Devil’s back yard,” Cole says in disbelief, not caring if it pisses off Luka. “Hell, you made a deal with his God-damned self-proclaimed servants!”

Luka rubs the back of his neck. “Yes, I understand that now,” he agrees, nodding sadly. “They accused us of taking her and started sending reminders that we owe them two million or they’d release the tape.” He raises his voice. “They threatened my family, and Lynn, and they tried to set my car on fire. Boots, or ‘The American,’ as you call him, finally realized we had no idea where the hell she was or what was going on. After a lot of money and time, we found out the fucking U.S. Army has her hidden away.” He leans forward again, staring right into Cole’s eyes. “You see, Colonel, I did make a deal with the Devil, and I have to see it through. So, this brings us to you. I need you to give the girl to The American, I need to pay the two million, and the mayor needs to win this election so we can all go and live our lives the way things were meant to be. It is a very easy fix.”

Cole’s mind is blown. So many lies, so many deceitful people. He can’t believe her own father could give her up so easily. God, this will kill her, if nothing else does.

“How stupid do you think I am?” Cole asks. “You think with all you told me that you’re going to let me go? Luka, I didn’t become a colonel at thirty because of my fighting skills.”

“I really don’t like repeating myself, but considering all I told you, I’m sure your mind is spinning. So, where is she?” Luka sighs, ignoring Cole’s comment.

Cole decides he needs some more information before he makes his move.

“Why would Lynn betray her?”

Luka seems to consider. “I’ll answer you, and in return, you answer me.” He straightens his tie. “Lynn and I became involved a few years back. She didn’t seem to mind that I was eleven years older. We kept it quiet, and no one knew, especially Savannah. Lynn despised her. She was jealous, and she couldn’t understand why Savannah didn’t want to be a part of the campaign and involve herself in her father’s life. Why couldn’t she see that we would all benefit? We would be taken to the top with him.” He shakes his head. “Lynn had a bad childhood. She resented Savannah for having had a good one, and now she was throwing away Lynn’s chance at finally getting what she deserved.”

“Watching your mother deteriorate over four months hardly makes for a happy childhood,” Cole shoots back, feeling his anger bore through his veins.

“It really was for the best, although her mother was not a supporter of Doug going into politics.” Luka shrugs and rolls his eyes. “Apparently, Savannah takes after her.”

Cole starts to laugh. His patience with the man has run out, and his vision is clouding. “You’re so fucked.”

“That may be so,” Luka says, getting to his feet, “but I’m not the one handcuffed to a water pipe in a house full of men who want me dead.” He opens the door and signals for someone to come in. He turns to Cole. “Last chance.”

The American walks in, looking pissed off and stressed. “Well?” he asks Luka.

“Fuck you,” Cole says, making the two of them look at him.

“What?” The American scowls.

“I said…fuck you.”

The American studies him for a moment then takes out a handkerchief, dabbing his brow as he considers. “Okay, Colonel, we’re done here.” He nods at two men to come in while he points his gun at Cole’s head.

One of the guys is the kid from earlier, his eye swollen shut. The kid removes one of the handcuffs, freeing him from the pipe. He slaps it back on Cole’s wrist and jerks him to his feet. Normally, he would make a move, but he is outnumbered and can hear more men in the other room. No, for now, he’ll wait for the perfect moment before he strikes.

“We could still get it out of him,” Luka protests, but The American shakes his head.

“He won’t talk. He has too much pride. Don’t you, Captain America?” He laughs. “I know you care for the girl in the same way I do. We both love her. I can see it in your face when I mention her name.”

Cole’s face hardens.

“I can’t wait to feel her under me, Colonel. I can’t wait to hear her whimper and beg when I—”

Cole shoots forward, head-butting The American and sending him backward. The guard with two working eyes knocks Cole in the head with the stock of his rifle, bringing him to his knees.
