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“First priority, Doc.” Cole gives him a look from across the room.

“Always, Logan. I should know in a few hours.”

“Use my private cell.” Cole doesn’t want to risk anything being overheard. There are too many unanswered questions.

Abigail walks the doctor out the back way.

Cole sits in a chair and watches her sleep. She looks tiny in his king size bed. He tries in vain to push the awful thoughts of‘What if?’aside. What if no one saw her down there? What if…

He’s seen people in a lot worse shape, but with Savannah, it’s different. Every part of him wants to lie down next to her, breathe her in, and hold her tight. He wants to bring her the comfort she deserves. He rubs his face, leaning back in the chair. He checks his watch and grabs the glass.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gently moves her hair out of her face. “Savannah,” he says softly, making her stir. “Open your eyes for me.”

She moans as she tries to open them.

“Here, drink this. It will help your stomach.” Her mouth opens slightly. He slips the straw between her lips and talks her through drinking the whole thing. “Good job. Now you can sleep.”

She doesn’t move after that.

A knock at the back door brings Cole to his feet. He opens it to find Keith holding a bottle of brandy and two glasses.

“Thought you might need one.” Keith shrugs as he steps into the room. “What did the doctor say?”

“Possibly poison. Results should be back soon.”

Keith looks shocked and hands him a glass.

“What did you find out?”

“York spoke to her.” Keith makes a face as Cole’s expression hardens.

Cole takes a long sip, trying to control his anger.

“He was explaining to her that she needs to remember everything about The American. He’s pissed at you—”

“He’s pissed at me?” Cole shouts. They both glance at Savannah, who stirs.

“Yes, he says we shouldn’t have taken her back here. That WPP is a better choice.” Keith holds up his hand, stopping him from his rant about the WPP. “That’s all I know. Either way, he was straight with me when I asked, giving me the information. He didn’t seem to be hiding anything. I told him you wanted him to take my post tonight.” Keith grins. “He wasn’t pleased, but he went.”

“I bet,” Cole hisses, sipping his drink. They sit in silence for a little while and listen to the rain beat against the window.

“Cole?” Abigail’s voice comes from the doorway. Neither man heard the door open. “Dr. Rice is here.”

Cole glances at his watch, stunned to see three hours have elapsed. “Hi, Doc. You didn’t call my cell?”

Dr. Rice checks Savannah’s vital signs, and everything seems to be all right. “I decided to come over and give you the news directly.” He removes the IV.

Cole is quietly going mad while the doc checks her over again.

“It was tetrahydrozoline poisoning.”

“What?” Abigail turns to Cole for clarification.

“Eye drops,” Cole answers. “Every man carries a bottle. The elements are rough on the eyes. How much was in her system?”

“Enough,” the doctor says.

Suddenly, a dark feeling comes over Cole, and he grips the back of his chair. “Dr. Rice,” Cole’s voice is low, “I need you to remove the test results from your database right now.”
