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“Savannah.” Mark hisses my name again.

“Can’t hear you,” I hiss back. I feel the vibration of him crawling up next to me.

“You know how to shoot?” My eyes snap open to see his blue helmet flipped up in the front. “You up for a bit of fun?”

“Hell, yeah.”

Before I know it, I am pulling on John’s dark blue camo outfit. Thankfully, I wore my dark hiking boots, but it doesn’t matter because John’s pants cover them almost completely. I can see why they picked John; he is the only one who is just slightly taller than I am. I notice the name tag reads Agent Black.

“Are you still training?” I ask as John shoves the gun in my hand. Holy hell, is it heavy.

“We’re done. Now it’s playtime. We need someone who can fit down in that gully and into the hole in the barn.” He points at a building. I wouldn’t call it a barn, exactly. “Once you’re in there, you need to capture the flag and tuck it in here.” He points to a pocket on the vest. “Then run like hell on wheels back to me so we can fly it first.”

“Seriously, the U.S. Army plays capture the flag for training?” I laugh.

“It’s a great training tool. Trust me, you’ll see.” He holds the gun up to my eye. “See that right there? Line it up with your target then shoot.” I line it up with the can and squeeze the trigger.Pop! Pop!I actually hit it! I jump up and down, giving myself my own high five. Mark smirks. “Great job. It’s actually a little scary that you hit the target.”

“I play a lot of video games.” I shrug.

“If you get shot, you go to a room in the far corner of the building where you’ll wait for five minutes then be released out a side door. Meet back here if that happens.”

Oh, my, there is a lot to take in. “So, who else is on our team?” I ask, hoping for Keith.

“We’re green. They won’t shoot at you. Lean your head forward.”

Yeah…that’s the green team. What about the red? He scoops up my hair and pulls on the helmet.

“Do they know I’m not John?” I start to feel uneasy.

Mark pulls my visor down. “No, it’s better this way. Just stick with me.”Wait! What?“Oh, and, Savi, don’t get shot.”

John gives me a thumbs-up and runs away.

Mark grabs my arm and pulls me low and down along a path. “Whatever you do, don’t take your helmet off.”

I nod, knowing there isn’t a chance in hell that’s going to happen.

He gives me quick instructions then points me at the hole in the building. “Heads up, and don’t shoot green.” He pats my back and eases me into the opening.

It’s a little hard at first with all the clothing, but I manage to get in.

Holy shit!This is no barn. I just walked into a training room for the friggin’ Green Berets. I drop down behind a metal shield.Okay, Savannah, you can either chicken out or live a little.There are no paparazzi and no Daddy to disappoint. Perhaps you’ll get a shot at York.Oh, yes, that does the trick.

I move to my knees and take in my surroundings. I see the flag, but I also see a guy with an orange band shimmying down a pipe on the far wall.Really? A pipe?Good Lord, I’m in trouble, and Mark never mentioned a third team. I rest the gun on the top of the shield, awkwardly aiming at orange, and take the shot.Shit!I hit right above his shoulder.

He drops the last fifteen feet and rolls under a stack of crates.

I duck, hoping he didn’t see me. Okay, think. I see some scrap metal and make a beeline for it. I hear shots being fired, but none hit me.Keep moving, Savi.I scan the debris and spot a long cement tube. I run to it and peek inside. I see a flash of an arm, and I wait, watching his reflection in an old hubcap. I see a blurry movement and make my move.

Hello, Red.I grin, raising my gun and popping two in his back.

He turns in disbelief and raises his gun in the air as he walks out of sight.

Hell, yeah!What a rush this is! My heart is pounding through my chest.Okay, back in the game, Savi!I crawl along the side wall, keeping my body low. A series of loud pops pierces my ears. Looking up, I see orange splatters. I freeze and hold my hands over my head.Shit, shit, shit, shit!Thankfully, the noise and my helmet muffled my scream. I open my eyes and discover a set of black boots in front of me. Oh, shit! The tip of a gun is staring at me. I have to fight the flashback that is coming on full force. Then a quick pop hits his shoulder, and he is out. I nearly burst out in glee. I give him a little wave as he walks away and notice he’s on the red team.

He flips me the bird over his shoulder.

So, that makes two red down, and one orange that spread nine bullets at the wall. I keep moving. I finally look over and see I’m only a few feet from the flag. Screw it! I jump to my feet and sprint toward the flag. I leap, and my hand just brushes over it as I feel three pops to my lower stomach.Noooo!I fall to the ground, now thankful for all the gear. I feel the paintballs, but it doesn’t hurt. I jump to my feet; I have to look like I do this all the time.
