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“So, Savannah,” Sue says brightly, “would you like to join the ladies and me in town tomorrow for a spa day?”

“Umm…” I fumble with my words, having mixed feelings about leaving the house, but it’s not every day I get a chance to be pampered. “That sounds nice, thank you.”

“Keith and Paul will join you,” Cole informs his mother.

“Of course, son.” She nods like she’s used to him speaking this way. “We’ll take good care of Savannah.”

I sigh, wishing I didn’t have to be treated like a child. Cole’s fingers start rubbing my neck, and I’m confused by his public display of affection. I catch Daniel’s eye, and he grins then looks away.Maybe they’re fine with it?I wonder what was said between the two of them. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.

Dell hands Cole his drink and perches on the arm of the couch next to me.

Mark checks his watch and smacks his hands together. “Puck drops in five minutes, guys!”

“Who’s playing?” Sue asks.

“Kings and Blackhawks,” I answer, not really thinking about it. Mark and Cole both stare at me. “What? I have male cousins. It’s embedded in me to catch the highlights and knows who’s playing.” I shrug.

“Who’s your favorite team?” Mark asks, quieting down the group. He shifts forward on the couch and looks very serious.

“Penguins,” I say, feeling strong loyalty toward my favorite team.

Mark jumps in the air with a shout. He pulls me up, wrapping his arms around me.

“Listen up, everyone!” he calls with his arm over my shoulders. “Miller is a Penguins fan!”

The entire room breaks out in cheers. I laugh and shake my head. I have to admit it feels pretty damn good being in a room full of people who genuinely like me for me.

Dell grabs my hand before I can sit. “I think I just fell in love with you,” he says, deadpan. “Marry me!”

“Well, with a proposal like that…” I joke. “Hell, yeah, sugar, I’ll marry you.”

“One condition.” He points at me. “We get married in our jerseys.”

“Oh, Dell,” I fan my face, using a southern belle accent, “it all sounds so classy.”

“I know.” He winks.

It doesn’t take much convincing for the boys to have me join them to watch the game. Nine of us sit in the entertainment room watching the seventy-inch TV. The announcer blares all around us—I count six surround sound speakers.

I’m in the back corner with Cole, feeling pretty beat after the day, sipping a stiff Dell-made drink called Tale of the Devil.

“Please know,” Cole squeezes my hand under the blanket, “I just went to pick up a package at Christina’s store. It was hot, and she made me wait, so I removed my jacket and forgot it there, nothing more.”

“Cole, we weren’t together then anyway,” I whisper, downing the last of the drink.

“I thought we were.”

“Logan, phone call,” John interrupts us from the doorway. “Line three.”

“Shit.” Cole rubs his face. “I have to take this. Be right back.” He pats my hand then leaves.

“Another, Savi? It will help you sleep,” Dell says with a wink.

I nod, loving the idea of sleep.

I remember seeing the score 2-0 Kings near the end of the third period. I stir to Mark trying to wake me. It isn’t happening. “I’m fine here,” I mutter.

“Come on, you.” Mark scoops me up.
