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Chapter Fifteen


Cole feels such a loss when she leaves his side. Watching her walk away, he wonders what in the hell they’re going to discuss.

Daniel calls over the radio to ask everyone to leave their post temporarily for a house meeting in the living room—ASAP.

Mark grips Cole’s arm and pulls him off to the side. “I wanted Frank to tell her about the blackmail. It might trigger something for her. Plus, we don’t want her going back to her father yet. Something still isn’t adding up there. I’m sorry about the York comment. I thought maybe she’d stay if she could help with the York investigation.”

Cole nods. He knows Mark is trying to help, but he hates the idea that Savannah might go looking for answers from York.

“You’re up, son.” Daniel nods at the crowd now gathered in the living room.

Cole moves to the fireplace, and everyone stops talking—waiting to find out what’s going on.

“Thank you all for coming in so fast. Here’s the situation. As of right now, we’ve discovered York may have been in communication with The American’s people. We now know The American had other plans for Savannah.” Cole swallows the bile in the back of his throat and continues. “It seems he was planning on taking her for himself and has stepped up the hunt for her. Frank Brandon is here and wants to take Savannah back to Washington for her own protection, but Savannah won’t go. She wants to go back to New York rather than put Shadows at risk.” A light roar sounds among the crowd.

“No! She’ll be killed!” Abigail shrieks, holding her stomach.

“Here’s my plan.” Cole holds up his hand to get their attention again. “Frank will allow her to stay here as long as everyone is in agreement and understands the consequences that come with protecting her here at Shadows. This could get bad, so if you’re not okay with it, please let me know, and I’ll lay you off temporarily until this is over—no judgment passed. With a show of hands, who is not all right with Savannah staying here?” No hands are raised.

“I think I speak for all of us when I say Savi isn’t going anywhere.” Keith’s voice booms throughout the room.

Cole gives him a nod, and relief spreads over him. Now he just needs to convince Savannah.

“If you don’t mind,” Mike tugs at his jacket, “I’m sweating in my gear, and I would like to get out there and watch for that sick son of a bitch.”

“All right, go. Thanks, guys.” Cole waits for the crowd to leave then leans his forehead on the mantel, taking a breather and wishing this would end.

“Oh, dear,” Sue rubs his back, “your father just filled me in. I’m sure she’s just scared and worried about all of you. Give her some time. You know this is a lot for her to process.”

“I don’t know what I’ll do if she leaves,” he whispers.

His mother steps around to face him.

“We had quite the talk in the car on the way home. She really cares about you, Cole.”

“Mention the part about the fritters, Sue,” June says as she eavesdrops while walking by.

Sue tries to hide a smile. “Yes, well, the aunts,” she nods toward Abigail and June, “got confirmation that she does want kids.”

Oh, Lord! Poor Savannah. He could only imagine the firing squad of questions that were thrown at her. Although the idea of having a little one running around wasn’t as scary as he thought it would be. He shakes his head.What the hell is happening to me? I’ve only known this woman for two months!

“Son.” Daniel nods toward the hallway where Savannah is shaking Frank’s hand.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow,” Frank calls before he disappears out the door.

Savannah walks into the living room, and he can see she’s been crying. He can’t help but wonder what is going on in that pretty little head of hers, but knows he has to give her some space. He doesn’t say anything.

“I have until tomorrow to decide,” she says, not meeting his eyes.

“Come and sit, Savannah,” his mother says as she puts her arm around Savi’s shoulders and walks her to the couch, draping her favorite blanket around her. “Can I get you anything?”

“No. I’m all right, thanks.”

“What did Frank say?” Daniel asks as Mark leaves the room to answer his cell phone.

“He just filled me in on the risks if I stay or leave. He answered a few more questions, and in turn, I answered a few for him. I will not go to Washington…the idea scares me more than going back to New York. Trusting people doesn’t come easily for me anymore. I’m just really confused.” She rubs her head. “I don’t think of New York as my home anymore, and after what I learned tonight, I feel like I can’t trust anyone there.” She starts to cry. “The worst part is I have mixed feelings toward my father. What does that say about me? I’m a horrible person. I’m sorry,” she says, standing. “I really need some time to think this all through.” She looks over at Cole. “I promise—no woods.” With that, she turns and heads upstairs.

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