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Chapter Five

The drive to town is painful. My hands are twisted on my lap as we come to the town’s outer limits. My legs are jittery, my heart’s trying to escape the growing anxiety, and all the while I’m blinking away tears for Cole.

“We’ll park and transfer into Agent Stall’s car. He’ll drive us to the airport,” Derek announces while we wait at a stoplight. He glances at me. “Now is the time if you’re having second thoughts, Savannah.”

“No,” I squeeze out and watch as the stoplight turns to green. Little snowflakes dust the windshield, making me shiver. I hope I’m doing the right thing. I’m past changing my mind now, as I know I must prevent Cole from putting himself in danger in order to help me again.

Agent Stall is not overly friendly. He barely says two words the whole three-hour drive to the airport. I am handed an ID with the name Nicole Johnson and a printout of my airline ticket. We quickly board, taking our seats toward the front of the plane. It isn’t first class, but executive…not bad. I notice Derek needs the extra leg space. He stretches out, then pushes the call button and asks the flight attendant for an orange juice. He seems relaxed.

I, on the other hand, am having an internal anxiety attack. So many things are blowing through my brain. I’m terrified of the answers I’m headed toward.

Once we are up in the air and the seatbelt sign is turned off, I hop up, nearly plowing over Derek to get to the bathroom. Inside the tiny room, I lean over the sink and splash cold water over my face. “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.”I close the lid to the toilet, take a seat, and run my hands through my hair. “Calm down, Savi.” I try to remember Dr. Roberts and his relaxing techniques…in through the nose, out through the mouth, count to thirty, breathe slowly again…then rubbing my sweaty hands over my jeans, I take a moment to think.

A loud knock makes me jump to my feet. Opening the door, I’m faced with an annoyed woman who eyes me with obvious hostility.

“Only two bathrooms for sixty passengers,” she mumbles as she shoves her son in ahead of her.

“Sorry,” I whisper, although I’m not. I’m sure she’d prefer me to freak out in the bathroom than in front of everyone, including her child. Rude woman.

“You okay?” Derek asks once I return to my seat and fumble with the belt.

“Sure.” I lean my head back and close my eyes.

Luckily, the layover in Salt Lake City is only thirty minutes, just enough time to find our gate and grab a coffee.

Four hours into the flight, I feel the plane start its descent. I clench the armrests until my fingers turn white. Derek takes pity on me and attempts to distract me.

“Okay, so, once we land, a friend of mine will meet us at baggage. From there, we’ll go right to your father’s office. I have eyes on him currently, so if he leaves, we will find where he is and change route.”

“We’re going there today?” The words fall off my tongue.

Derek turns in his seat to look at me straight on. “Savannah, we have a flight to catch tomorrow night. You have this one chance to get your information. I’m already putting you in danger by taking you off the Shadows grounds.” He rubs his face. “I’m seriously going to be stripped of my job for this.”

“Then why are you helping me?” I ask, needing to know.

He turns to face forward again, downing his juice and crushing the cup under his hand. “I have my reasons.”

“Which are?” I ask, being nosy, but I need the distraction, and honestly, I want to know.

He clears his throat and shoves the crushed cup into the pouch hanging off the wall. “I fucked up when I was on the team. I was young and dumb.” He shrugs, but I can see what he did weighs on him. “So maybe this will show them I can be trusted, that I can get you back safely, and with answers.” He lets out a laugh. “Or maybe not, since this is insane.”

The captain’s voice blares over the speakers, announcing our arrival. Jeez, I hadn’t noticed we landed.

“If it means anything, Derek, thank you.”

“Yeah, sure thing.” He looks out the window, and I know our heart to heart is over.


Cole goes over his checklist, finding what time fifty-nine is scheduled to complete the blind navigation course in the woods. The candidates have to navigate through the woods with only a map. If they’re caught using their headlamp, they get a point taken off. It’s no surprise fifty-nine, Adam Roth, is at the head of the pack.

Since he is so close to finishing, Cole decides to meet Roth at the last checkpoint to talk to him about the possibility of joining the house. He’s on his way when he spots Keith pulling up to the main house. It’s dark, but he can see there’s something wrong when the other man jumps quickly from the car.

“Keith?” Cole shouts. Keith stops then turns and begins to head in his direction.

Cole sees his father coming out of the main building to join them. Obviously, his father knows something isn’t right either.

“What are you doing here?” Cole asks once he’s close enough.
