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“You have to,” Keith states firmly, but as he looks at me, I can see he has conflicting expressions playing over his face.

I clasp my snowflake pendant. “No, Keith, I haven’t taken this off since—” My eyes sting. It represents more than just Cole; it’s a little reminder of our baby too.

“Savi,” Cole whispers in my ear behind me, “just for the evening. I’ll hold on to it and keep it safe.” I hold myself very still for a moment then nod, not wanting to speak in fear I’ll cry. Cole moves my hair aside. I feel his warm hands move over my skin as he unclasps it. He reaches for the necklace Keith is holding and secures it in place. It feels heavy. I don’t like it.

“Testing, testing, one-two-three,” Keith says in a quiet voice. John pops his head in the door, giving a thumbs up.

Is Paul here too?

“No mention of the house, no mention of any of the guys being here, no mention of what you’ve been up to. Most importantly, don’t let them separate you from Derek,” Keith warns. “If anything happens and you need us, your safe word is what?”

“Blackstone,” I answer without missing a beat.


“Guys. I’m going to be all right. It’s my father who’s in trouble now.” I notice Keith glance at Cole. “Now what?”

“We leave in two minutes,” Keith says as he turns around.

“Keith,” I call, making him stop. “I didn’t run. I took someone with me and left a note. I was only trying to do the right thing, and I knew you and the rest of the house would never have let me come. Derek was my only chance to make things right.”

He turns fully to study me. “I know you were doing what you thought was right. I know you found out what Cole planned to do, so the fact that you wanted to protect him and all of us makes me understand why you did what you did.” He pauses. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not furious with you, and it doesn’t mean I’m not sticking a tracking device on your goddamn ass when we get home.” I see his eyes crinkle slightly.

“Deal.” I walk over and give him a hard hug. “I love you, Keith. You’re family. Thank you for understanding.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it. I’m not normally, so take what you can get.” He gives me a little shove and nods at Cole. “I’ll meet you outside the door.”

I let out a long breath and try to absorb this situation.

“You ready?” Cole moves in front of me.

“Cole, is there anything I should know before I go in there? Please don’t lie to me.”

He rubs his chin, thinking. “Know I love you and will do anything to protect you, and when this is all over, I intend to make you smile for the rest of your life.”

I roll my eyes. “That would have been incredibly romantic if you didn’t say it like I was going to war.”

“In some ways, you are.”

“What does that even—?”

He grips the sides of my face and kisses me with so much lust I nearly forget what I was about to do. I put my hands on his shoulders as I press myself into his solid body. As quickly as he came in for the kiss, he pulls away and takes my hand.

“I love you.” He pulls me toward the door.

“I love you too.”


Cole pulls her into the adjoining room where Paul is at the table testing out the pin camera.

“Hey, Savi.” Paul gives a tight smile and holds up the pin that is shaped like the New York state flag. “This will be our eyes.”

Cole takes the small pin from Paul’s fingers and pins it to Savannah’s blouse and waves his hand in front of it.

“All good,” Paul states.

“Ummm,” Savannah is biting her lip, “this is all a bit much.”

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