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I stare at the side of his face, wanting so badly to kick him in the stomach. “Oh, I’m sorry, Luka. Should I just nod and smile as you hand me over to The American like I’m some piece of meat?”

“Shut up, Savannah,” he grits out.

“Fuck you, Luka!” I snap back without thinking.

Suddenly, he’s wrapping his hands around my throat, slamming me back into the elevator wall. Hard. My head snaps forward from the impact. I cry out, but his lips smash into mine as his grip around my neck tightens. My hands claw at his shirt, but he doesn’t stop. He thrusts his tongue forward as I try to wiggle free. He’s too strong. Oh god, this is disgusting. Finally, my brain kicks into action, and I jam my knee with all the force I have into his tiny testicles. Immediately, he lets go, falling backward. I gasp heavily, trying to get a full breath of air into my screaming lungs and drop to my knees.

“Fucking bitch!” He groans above me as he drives his fist into my cheek. My teeth clench at the impact, and pain shoots everywhere. This is way too much like my last ‘trip to Mexico.’ My brain snaps to full alert. I need to be able to fight. I need to stay focused. The door opens, and I see a blurry figure standing in front of me.

“What the fuck!” my father yells. I feel his hands on me, lifting me to my feet.I have a small moment where I think my father might actually take pity on me, take me home and protect me from these monsters. “Are you insane? She needs to be in mint condition. If he thinks we’ve hurt her in any way, he may back out of the deal.” So much for ‘daddy dearest.’I’m a fool.

“What the shit is taking so long?” Lynn shouts from behind us. “We have four minutes before he shows up. Let’s move.” I feel her cast-iron grip on my arm, tugging me toward the restaurant. I notice the staff won’t make eye contact with me, and I think I may be the only guest.

Lynn drops me into a wooden seat as the other three sit around the table. I stare at the yellow flower floating on top of the water in a square clear jar.

“Savannah?” Lynn hisses at me. I look over as she opens her purse and shows me her handgun. Weapons don’t really scare me anymore, so I don’t react. “You try to run, I’ll shoot you. I have excellent aim.”

“Good for you, Lynn,” I whisper with a sigh. I’m tired of her now. I look back at the flower, thinking about how much it reminds me of myself at the moment, just floating in a world I have no control over, and helpless to whatever fate comes my way. We’re both screwed.

Mark, John, Paul, Keith, Abigail, June, Sue, Daniel, Scoot, Mike, Frank, Derek…Cole. I keep reciting their names over and over, trying to keep my brain sharp. I will not get lost again. I will not get lost in my mind. I need to stay in the present. Mark, John, Paul, Keith…My head turns to my father.

“How, Dad?” I shake my head. “Please just tell me how you can do this to your own daughter. Do I really mean nothing to you?” I hate that my voice cracks at the end.

He sips his coffee, glancing at Luka, then to me. “It’s just business, Savannah. Please don’t get all emotional right now. I need you to be on your best behavior.”

It’s not a good feeling when your heart breaks in two, but the anger fuses it back together in a matter of seconds. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold back the words, but it doesn’t work. My eyes narrow in on his, and I let fly. “I hope you rot in hell, you pathetic excuse for a father! Mom was right, you were never much of a man.” This isn’t true, but I know it will hurt his pride.

He quickly stands and makes his way over to me and slaps me across the face. I fall out of the chair, hitting the floor and laughing hysterically. This time Lynn comes over, and I think she’s going to help me to my feet, but she kicks my side hard. I cry out, coughing and trying to catch my breath. Well, if my plan was to get them all to hit me, it worked. I hope if I look like shit there’ll be some hell to pay from The American.

I roll to my side, tucking my legs up to my stomach. “Mark, John, Paul, Keith.” I start my chant but freeze when two cobra heads stop inches from my face. Fear dances around my stomach, replacing the pain of my possibly fractured ribs. He bends down and wipes the hair out of my face. Tears are streaming from my eyes now, big, hot tears. My family is selling me, The American bought me, the love of my life may have betrayed me, and Derek is dead because of me! All I want is to do is disappear, have something swallow me up becauseanythingis better than the outcome of this.

“Who did this?” The American asks in a booming voice, looking at me, but I just shake. He reaches out and lifts me carefully and places me on the chair. This action scares me, as it feels almost tender, and for some reason that makes me even more frightened of him. I tense and sit awkwardly in the chair with my eyes glued to the floor.

“Ms. Miller.” I look up and see a white man, who looks like a lighter version of Mike, black and white tattoos from head to toe, and big and beefy. I’m taking it he’s the muscle for The American. He gives me a tight smile then glares at the rest of the group. He continues to stand by my side as Luka decides to start the conversation off.

“So, here she is. We held up our end of the bargain, and now it’s time for you to do the same.” Luka yanks at his tie, clearly uncomfortable in The American’s stare.

Lynn tosses out her best smile. “Why don’t you just make the call to Rodrigo, and we can all be home in time for tea?”

I shake my head, thinking I’ve never seen Lynn drink a cup of friggin’ tea in her life. The table is painfully quiet. All I can hear is the pounding in my head, and I feel my cheek pulsing to my rapid heartbeat. I move without thinking, making everyone look at me. I hesitate but slowly reach into my glass of water and start piling up ice cubes into my cloth napkin, then hold my makeshift icepack to my cheek and eye, tensing in pain. Christ, it hurts.

Finally, The American, who is now watching me closely, turns to look at the rest of them. “Who hit her eye?” His words are spoken with such tightly controlled anger it makes me suck in my breath. “Three, two…”

“Luka!” Lynn blurts, pointing to him across the table. You can actually see the blood drain from Luka’s face, and it twists with her betrayal.

The American pulls out a pistol, points it at Luka’s skull, and pulls the trigger. His body flies backward to the floor. Lynn is screaming, my father is frozen, and I’m numb, beyond caring. The American and his muscle just sit there acting like nothing has happened, exactly how my father, Lynn, and Luka were when Derek was shot.Karma.

The American tucks his gun away. “When we are clear, I will call Rodrigo and tell them the deal is done.” He stands and buttons his suit jacket. “But I warn you, if you so much as step in my way, I will not hesitate to kill you like I did your friend.” He takes my hand, pulling me up to my feet. “Is there anything you would like to say, Savannah?”

I stare up at him. “To which group of animals are you referring?”

He smiles gently like he’s in love with me. “Less sass, my love. I can be good to you, and you do not want to anger me.” His smile may be gentle, but his eyes have a glint of steel. “I can be very, very bad when I am angry, my sweet, but it is your call.”

I nearly laugh at that. “I’m not your love, nor am I sweet, and you can do anything you want to me because, frankly, I don’t care. It’s all been done before.”

My father stands and holds up his hands. “Savi, just do as you’re told, please.”

I shake my head in utter disbelief. “Really,Douglas, you want to play the concerned father now? Save it.” I turn to Lynn. “So help me God, I hope this all comes crashing down on top of you both. I hope you burn in hell, you evil pieces of shit.” I turn on my heel and exit the room with the muscle coming up behind me.

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