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Frank and I go over all the details of my file, and I’m pretty much fried by the time I’m taken back to my hotel by Agent Hahn, who is staying with me. I am thankful for the two-bedroom suite. He offers to order dinner for both of us, but I decline, just wanting to get some sleep. Tomorrow, Frank has me meeting some lawyers, and I want to be able to stay awake for all the legal talk that’s to come.

The day is a blur, much like the first. I am taken into a conference room and questioned for about four hours on practically the same things, only worded differently. They give me so much advice I almost forget my own name. I’m not sure if I am coming or going. Finally, after I am about to throw in the towel, they inform me that I am to wear a simple black dress with heels, and wear my hair down with no jewelry. I reach for my chain and hold it tightly, and one of the women agrees it is fine, but nothing more. They don’t want me looking too flashy. I don’t understand why, but I’m beyond caring. I just need to get through tomorrow, and then I can get back to my mountain.

“You want something to eat?” Agent Hahn asks as we walk back to the hotel. I shake my head. “How about a drink?” I look up to see him smiling. “I could really use a drink after that.”

“That sounds really good, actually.” I smile back and follow him to a small Mexican restaurant.

“Umm,” I point to the sign, “not to be a pain, but can we get anything else but Mexican food?”

Agent Hahn chuckles then points across the street to an Italian joint. “Is that better?”

“Much, thanks.” I follow him to the crosswalk. We take a seat in the corner of the restaurant and are soon sipping a glass of merlot.

“How are you holding up?” he asks, picking up a piece of bread, dipping it in some oil and vinegar, and popping in it his mouth.

I shrug because I really don’t know. “Ask me tomorrow.”

He grows quiet, thinking. “Do you know who I am?”

My fingers twist the stem of the glass, making the wine run up the sides then bleed back down, leaving heavy lines. “No, but if you’re about to tell me you work for The American or the Cartels, at least give me a five-minute head start.”

“Ha!” He tosses his head back. “No, hell no.I was on the mission when Mills found Logan after he escaped.”

“Oh,” I whisper, instantly feeling indebted to this guy and his team.

“I was also there when you were found at The American’s house,” he adds.

I smile at him. I’m starting to get used to the fact that so many people have met me at some point, even if I don’t remember them. I feel the need to explain my behavior. “I’m sorry I’ve been so standoffish. I’m just trying to get through this so I can figure out what I want to do with what’s left of my life.”

“Sounds exhausting.”

“It is!” I laugh, thinking it’s nice to still be able to.

Our food comes, and we pick away, talking about little things. It isn’t until he brings up the training for the Green Berets that something nags at me from the edge of my memoryagain.

“What?” he asks, seeing my face.

“Ever have this feeling you’re forgetting something important?” I close my eyes and try to think. “I think it’s got something to do with Davie…the newest recruit at the house.” I see Agent Hahn studying me. “I’m sorry, it’s nothing.”

“It’s okay. Yes, I have, and it’s annoying.”

“Very,” I agree. “It’s like seeing the end of a rope, but it’s just out of reach, I feel like if I could only grab it and tug, the memory would come to me.” I laugh and shake my head. “Oh, well, tomorrow is going to be exhausting. I guess we should get back.”

“Yeah,” he grabs his coat, “let’s get back.”

“Agent Hahn?”

“Yes?” He turns to look at me.

“Thanks for taking me out for dinner and the talk. It helped a bit.”

He hands me my hat. “Happy to hear that, Savannah.”

Later, lying in bed with a slight buzz on, just enough to keep the shakes away, but not enough to make my head stop spinning thinking about tomorrow, my cellphone goes off beside me. A flutter of hope that maybe it’s Cole goes through me, but it’s not.

Jake: Coffee doesn’t taste right.

I smirk and roll onto my side.
