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He gazes down at her tiny body tucked under a huge blanket, her hair framing her pale face with her hands folded beneath her head. She’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and she’s his…well, almost his. He leans over to kiss her forehead.

“Cole?” she whispers, not opening her eyes.

“Yes, baby, I’m here. Get some rest.” Within seconds, she passes out cold again.

“You hungry?” Sue asks from the doorway.

“Yeah.” He follows her into the kitchen and takes a seat at the oak table. She sets a hot bowl of soup in front of him with a basket of homemade rolls. She sits across the table from him, trying hard not to show her grin. She’s terrible at hiding her excitement. “Out with it, Mom,” he says, buttering his roll.

“She came here when she needed someone.” Her finger bobs the tea bag in and out of the mug.

“Yeah,” he replies, “she did.”

“She said I remind her of her mother.” Sue beams, but he can see how much that means. His mother always wanted a daughter. His parents tried, but she couldn’t get pregnant again, so for Savannah to take to Sue this way means the world. “So…” She clears her throat.

Cole shakes his head, fighting the grin that tugs at his lips. “So what?”

“Oh, Cole!” She bats his arm. “When are you going to ask her to marry you?”

Wiping his mouth, he leans back in his seat. “If it were up to me, she’d have been my wife a long time ago.” His mother’s hand flies to her chest, swooning in the moment. “But I won’t push her into something she isn’t ready for. She’s well aware I’m going to marry her. I told her to let me know when she’s ready, and I’ll ask.”

“Oh, honey.” She laughs a little, hitting her forehead. “Where’s the romance in that?”

“Mom, I’m not going to ask and have her say no.” He stands to grab the pepper off the island.

“She won’t say no.”

“She might.” He sighs. “Not really sure I can take that rejection.”

His mother comes over and places both hands on his shoulders. “That girl came to our house because she’s sick, and she was looking for family. She knew you weren’t here, Cole, and she still came. The way she looks at you, it’s obvious she loves you more than anything else in the world.” She pauses to catch her breath. “I watched that woman completely crumble when she thought you were gone. You’re her world, so be hers. Don’t wait for her to come to you. She’s ready, she’s just scared. So,” she steps back, grinning, “plan something romantic and ask her.”


“Yeah, Mom, I hear you,”

“Good.” She leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, honey bear.”

“Excuse me,” Savannah says faintly, and they both turn to see her slumped against the doorframe, looking exhausted. Cole goes over and feels her head. She doesn’t have a fever. “May I get some water, Sue?” She looks over at him. “I’m okay.” She tries to smile at him, but he can see she feels awful. “Zack said the flu is going around.”

“Here, honey.” Sue hands her a glass of water. “You want to try to eat something?”

Her hand goes to her stomach. “No, I just want to go back to sleep.”

Cole slips his arm around her waist. “You want me to take you back to your apartment?”

“No,” she shakes her head, making him smile inside, “I don’t think I can stomach the car ride.” She turns to his mother. “Do you mind if I stay here?”

“I thought that was the plan.” She smiles.

“Come on, let’s go to bed.” She sags into him as they walk up the stairs and into his old bedroom. The room is just how he left it. He still has little plastic Army men line the windowsill, ready to fight. His chopper dangles from the closet door, and one wall is lined with photos of him and Mark through the years. A warmth spreads through him when he eyes the photo of them on their first fishing trip. Mark couldn’t cook the fish fast enough. He was so excited about the taste. Cole loves how many firsts he got to experience again by having Mark join his family.

Cole folds back the blue covers and helps Savi’s tired body wiggle onto the mattress and watches as her eyes shut the moment she hits the pillow. He removes her jeans and curls himself around her. Breathing in her addicting scent, he falls asleep with the idea of her being his forever.


I try to be quiet as I bring up the little bit of water I drank earlier. I flush the toilet, wash my face, and brush my teeth, feeling mildly better as long as my stomach is completely empty. I find Cole and Daniel in the kitchen sipping coffee. Sue is making pancakes, which smell pretty good, surprisingly.

“Hey.” Cole hops up and pulls out a chair for me. I sit and feel him give me a kiss on the head. I love how affectionate he is with me. I lean into him, seeking his warmth. He feels just right. “How’s the stomach?”
