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Mark tosses his hand in the air in excitement. “Yes, as of six-fifteen this morning, José Jorge is on U.S. soil, behind bars, with a shitload of charges against him. He’ll be spending his next three lives as someone’s prison bitch.”

“Well, that’s something to celebrate!” I cheer ecstatically.

“We have lots to celebrate,” he says over his shoulder, heading for the kitchen.

Cole keeps me close to his side. Every so often, his hand slips over my belly, letting me know he’s thinking about little Sim.

“Hey, guys.” Keith joins us, checking his phone. “I hate to ask this, but can I steal Logan for a moment?”

Cole leans in to give me a quick kiss. “I’ll be back.” I nod and watch the two hurry off to his office.

I mingle with everyone, sipping my water. Davie and Dell are telling a story from a few nights ago when they were in town at Chaps. I pretend to listen, but I’m more interested in where Mark is hurrying off to. I scan the crowd and see Daniel is gone too.

Where the hell is everyone? Oh, no…is something happening? My father?

“Savannah?” Mike calls from the entryway. I whirl around. “Can I see you for a moment?”

A strange feeling creeps over me as I set my drink down and hurry over to him.

“Let’s take a walk.” He waits as I get ready, growing more nervous with every moment.

He opens the door to let me go first. It’s dark, and the temperature has dropped, so I wrap my scarf around my neck and wait for him to lead the way.

“How have you been?” He guides me across the driveway toward the woods.

“Cut the crap, Mike. You didn’t ask me out here to see how I’m doing.”

He smiles and shakes his head. “Yeah, you’re right.” His face changes, softening a little. He points to a glow in the woods. “Follow the light, Savannah.” He nods for me to head in that direction.

Puzzled, I start to walk. After several steps, I hear Mike whisper something. I turn and look back, but he’s walking away from me. What’s going on?

I stop at the tree line and take in all the glass lanterns marking the pathway. Drawn by their light, I follow them, thinking how strange it is I’m not with anyone. I take comfort in knowing someone will be watching me. The farther along I go, the more I see the lanterns ahead. They are so pretty. Their warm twinkle leads me deeper into the woods, and the soft snow falling from the trees is soothing. Flames flicker with the tiny breeze, making the forest look magical. If I were to write a fairytale, it would be just like this. Heavy snow weighing down the branches, little hues of light with a glow bright enough to look warm, an untouched forest waiting to spill its secrets. The only thing missing is…I turn a bend to a clearing and see him…oh!

Chapter Nine

Cole stands by an open fire, and the orange glow makes it easy to see his smile when his eyes lock onto mine. Dozens of candles are nestled into the snowbanks, creating a magical scene. He holds out his hand as I get closer.

“Hi.” I grin, loving how just one look from this man makes my insides melt. “It’s so beautiful, Cole. What’s going on?”

He looks down at me. “Do you remember what happened here a few months ago?”

“Of course. It’s where we said we loved each other,” I say, thinking I might have figured out what’s happening.

“Savannah, I’ve been in love with you from the first moment I saw your picture. It just took me a while to realize what that feeling was.” His free hand runs down my temple. “Your eyes are so beautiful, it’s as if someone removed a star and made you from all its beauty.” My breath catches as my eyes water. “There has never been anyone I’ve ever wanted more in my life. You’ve opened my eyes, made me see that my life at the house doesn’t mean I can’t fall in love and be happy.” His hand moves to my belly. “Baby or no baby, you’ve always been mine.” He bends down on one knee, pulling out a light blue box. “Savannah Miller, I swear under a thousand stars that I love you and will fight to the end to make you happy.” He kisses my left hand. “Will you marry me?” He slowly opens the box, revealing a sparkling princess cut diamond.

“Yes! Yes!” I cry, laughing, as my heart pounds a tattoo inside my chest. He slips it on my finger then jumps up, lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

“I love you,” he sighs, pressing me tightly against his chest, his voice muffled by my hair. He pulls back, looking down at me. His eyes are glossy, making mine water even more.

“I love you too, Cole.” I take in my surroundings and see all he did to make this moment perfect. “I can’t believe you did this.”

“I’d do anything for you.” He steps up, grabbing my face and kissing me with such passion it takes my breath away.

“Well?” Mark’s voice chirps out of Cole’s pocket. I laugh at how normal it is that he’d have a radio in his pocket.

“Raven One to Raven Two,” Cole winks, “she said yes.”

The roar that erupts from the house can be heard all the way up to where we’re standing.

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