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After three more intense contractions, Savannah slips off to sleep, and Cole rubs his face, trying to play catch-up with the last six hours. He heads out to the door to find coffee when he spots the guys.

Mark’s hand lands heavily on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. “Savi’s a fighter, and it stands to reason that little spitfire in there will be a fighter too, just like Mama.” He grins, making Cole feel like he’s got a whole extra set of balls right now. “Besides, you think any of those doctors would piss off the Green Beret in the delivery room?”

Keith hands him a fresh cup of coffee as if he read his mind.

“Thanks,” he sighs and downs about half of it in two sips.

The time ticks by, and every minute on the minute, Cole looks through the door to make sure Savi is getting rest. This is tiring for all, so any sleep is really what she needs.

Cole is beyond beat, which is odd because he can usually be up for sixty-some-odd hours and still have no problem functioning. But this…this is different. This is his love and his child. His mind slips away, momentarily blurring the colors on the wall.

Mark glances at Cole through the garage window. The corner of his right eye is bleeding, his lip is cracked, and his arm hangs loose. Cole watches as Mark’s mother grabs a chair and lifts it above her head. He lunges forward, kicking in the window, but by the time his eyes adjust, he sees Mark unconscious on the floor. His mother smashed a chair over her own son. A mother. It’s disgusting. Cole pushes her out of the way and drops to his knees, feeling around Mark’s body. Please be okay!

He quickly shifts his gaze over to Mark, who is devouring his third bag of cookies. They’ve been through a lot together and this is the start of their newest journey. He’s so glad his best friend is here.

“Excuse me, Daddy?” A nurse peeks her head out the door. She looks like a pixie. “It’s time.”

“Go make me an uncle.” Mark smacks his shoulder. “Seriously, give Savi a kiss for me.”

“Me too,” Keith calls.

“Yeah.” Cole finds himself grinning.Holy shit,I’m gonna be a dad.

Savannah is exhausted from pushing for the past hour. She’s ready to go, but the baby is being stubborn and has decided it doesn’t want to show itself after all.

“Okay, Savi, I really need you to push!”

“I have been,” she sobs but digs her elbows into the mattress and pushes with all her might.

“I can see the head,” the doctor announces. “I just need one more to get the shoulders out.”

The defeat is evident on her face. She can barely keep her eyes open. Cole blocks the doctors from her line of vision and holds her head between his hands. Her eyes fluttered open.

“I know you’re tired. I know you want to sleep, and you can, but I really need you to get our Fritter out of you so we can know what we’re having.” Her face lights up, and he knows this gives her the bit of extra energy she needs. She draws a deep breath and pushes, and within moments, a tiny shriek comes from down south.

Savannah cups her mouth and waits for someone to say something. Her eyes lock onto Cole’s while seconds that feel like hours tick by. A nurse whisks the baby off to the side and starts clearing its airway.

“No matter what, you don’t leave its side,” Savannah pleads with him.

He gives her his most serious face, one he knows she loves. “Do you know who you’re talking to?”

“I love you.” Her hand touches his five o’clock shadow. “I meanreallylove you.”

Just as he leans in to kiss her, the doctor comes to the bedside and gives them their first look at their child.

“I would like you to meet your baby girl.”

Cole half laughs and half cries as her tiny black eyes find his. “A girl.” He reaches for the little bundle and cradles her in his arms. Bending down, he shows Savannah her beautiful face.

“Hello, sweetheart.” Savannah’s tears stream down as she raises a shaky finger to touch her cheek. “You are going to be one loved little princess.”

The beaming doctor holds up a chart. “Do we have a name picked out?”

“Olivia,” Cole blurts.

“Cole!” Savannah gasps. “Really?”
