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Abigail made sure to keep the fireplace on since they are up so much during the night. After the milk is warmed, he tucks Olivia in his arm and rocks her as she drinks. Her black eyes stay on him the whole time. They have a draw to them, one that makes him certain she knows who he is.

“What are you thinking, little one?” he whispers as she makes a noise and grabs his thumb with her chilly hand. “How can something so tiny hold so much love in my heart?”

Her eyes grow heavy, but the moment he stops moving, they pop open. She loves to be moving, and he is fine with that. This is the one time when it is just the two of them.

He glances around to make sure he’s alone. At first, he starts to hum the tune, but as her attention to his voice grows, he decides who the hell cares. With a smile, he starts to singYou Are My Sunshine,and to his surprise, she begins to make more noise. “Oh, someone likes music. Your mother will be very happy to hear this.” He holds her up to his face and kisses her soft cheek.

“I didn’t know I could love anyone as much as I love your mommy, but you know what, my little love? You have proven just how wrong I am. I may be overprotective, I may have your Uncle Keith chip you, but know it’s all coming from the right place.” Slowly, her dark eyes close, and her breathing evens out. He sinks into the couch and pulls a blanket over the two of them. He’s fine with sleeping here for the rest of the night. Some alone time with his daughter is worth being tired in the morning.

Right before he gives in to sleep, he kisses her head. “My promise, one you can hold me to forever, is that I will love you to the stars and back, my beautiful little Fritter.”


I head to the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water. The morning walks Abigail and I have been taking make my body feel like it’s mine again.

“Morning.” Mike races into the kitchen.

“Hey, so, um…” I bite my lip to hide my grin. He hates this topic, and every so often I tug at the subject. “You know I love the playroom and am incredibly thankful, but there is still one thing you could give me since I made you an uncle.”

“Which is?” He runs water over the apple and dries it on his shirt.

“What does your mom send you every so often that you won’t share with the rest of us?”

His shoulders go stiff before he leans over and kisses my cheek. “I guess it’s too bad you had Livi first. No backsies.” He winks before he races downstairs.

“No fair!”

“Love you!” he shouts from somewhere.

I shake off my fun and remember what I was about to do before I gave Mike some shit.

I tap the counter, debating. Do it, or don’t? It’s just sitting there taunting me, calling me to use it. I never have before, but it’s the only way to find him on this massive property. My fingers twitch then retract.

Come on, Savi, do it.


I pick up the radio, turning it to channel seven.


“Savannah?” His voice is confused. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, umm…can I see you?”

“Yeah, I’m outside by the stables.”

The sun is hot,finally, making my face flush as I walk down the pebble path. My long skirt hugs my legs as a breeze swirls around me. My hair blinds me momentarily, and my nose detects a heavenly scent. I love the mountains. Everything feels so fresh and natural. No city smog to ruin the crisp air. No car horns or buses, just nature.

I find Keith fixing the gate but stop to laugh when I see one of the horses nuzzling his pocket. He keeps grumbling at her to move it along. Finally, he gives up and turns to pat her nose. “You’re needy today, Winnie. I don’t have time to play.” I rest my arms over the rail and watch. The black pony, Winnie, nips at his pocket again. “Really?” He sighs. “Fine, but don’t tell anyone.” He pulls out a half-eaten peanut bar and holds it to her mouth.

“I saw that.” I grin and duck under the rail, heading toward them.

“She wouldn’t leave me alone.” He shrugs, acting like it was nothing.

“Whatever, softy, your secret is safe with me.”

He rolls his eyes and grabs a hammer. “So, what’s up?”
