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I hesitate, then go with the truth.

Savi: Heard something. It was nothing.

Cole: Something like what?

Savi: Just a noise, but it was nothing.

Cole: Are you able to get back to sleep?

Savi: Yes.

Cole: Text me if you can’t.

I pause, my thumb hovering over the send button.

Savi: I miss you.

I slowly delete each letter one by one.

Savi: Thanks, goodnight.

I want to text him to come over, but I don’t. Instead, I stare at the ceiling until I can’t take it anymore. Turning on the TV for company, I decide I might get a cat so I have something to cuddle up to. Aloof isn’t really cutting it. I look over at the fish floating perfectly still and staring at me.

I muster up the courage and creep into my bedroom and grab the little Army bear Daniel and Sue bought me for my baby. Suddenly feeling overwhelming sadness, I cling to it as I watchFriendsuntil the sun comes up.

Chapter Two

My eyelids feel like lead as I force my aching body up off the couch to let in Jake, who is knocking at my door. It’s nine a.m. Giving me a once-over, he slips into my apartment holding a laptop with his “just be happy I’m not a twin” coffee cup balanced on top. I find it kind of cute that he always brings his own mug.

“I’d ask how you slept, but it’s pretty obvious you’re on night two of no sleep.” Jake settles ontohisstool in my kitchen. I pour him a cup and one for myself. I can’t wait for the creamy liquid to hit my tongue. Lord, I love coffee. “I want to ask you something, Savi, but I don’t want you getting mad at me.”

“Okay,” I mumble, cracking four eggs into a frying pan. I pull out some fresh chopped peppers, onion, ham, and cilantro and sprinkle them into the pan, adding a little grated cheese and spice. I glance over my shoulder when he doesn’t continue and see him typing away on his laptop, so I decide to wait him out. When the omelets are finished, I divide them onto two plates and set them on the counter. They might not be fancy, but they look pretty good. Besides, I need protein badly; caffeine just won’t cut it.

“Is this you?” he says suddenly, turning the laptop around, showing a news article with a picture of my father and me with a dramatic crack down the middle and the headline “Rumor Mayor Fox Hired Cartel to Kidnap Own Daughter.”

I want to vomit, but instead, I pick up my fork and cut into the egg. As soon as my tongue touches the Jell-O-like substance, it rejects it, and I spit it out, very unladylike, on my plate. Hopping to my feet and shoving my dish in the sink, I lean on the counter with my back to him.

“So, I’ll take that as a yes,” he whispers, closing his laptop.

Tears! Stupid tears are flowing down my cheeks. I blame part of it on lack of sleep. I stand staring at the counter and hear him come up behind me.

“Savi.” He reaches for my shoulder and turns me ’to face him. He smiles at me, holding both my hands. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just knew you looked familiar, and when I heard your name and saw the SWAT type guys watching over you, well, I went with my hunch.”

“I-I can’t talk about it,” I admit, shocking myself with my honesty.

He closes his eyes and presses his lips together, taking a moment to think, then stares down at me. “When I was sixteen, my father came home early from work to find me and his boss’s kid having sex on the couch.”

“Okay,” I murmur, thinking that would be embarrassing.

“It was the first time he ever laid a hand on me, and he beat me until I stopped moving. He threatened my life if I ever sawEddyagain.”

My heart breaks at that moment. His father is an asshole too; he didn’t love him for who he was. All the vibes I have about Jake make sense now. He never hit on me because he is gay. “I play the single hottie from L.A. because it works for me. The women pay good money to see this ass in jeans.” He laughs darkly and points at his butt. “But if they knew the truth, Zack would lose a lot of regulars, and I’d never do that to him. Zack’s too important to me. He’s the only one who knows the real me, and now you do too.” He sighs and gives me a wink. “A secret for a secret.”

I smile through my tears. “Thank you, for being a friend when I really need one.” I lean forward, giving him a hug.

Jake and I decide to head to the mall for some decorations to brighten my place up a little. We take his Prius since it has started snowing again, small flakes, which I know means we’re in for a lot of accumulation. The mall is quiet and looks like Cupid threw up all over it. I hate Valentine’s Day. I forgot malls decorate weeks before the actual event. After Jake drags me to every candle, picture, pillow, and kitchen store, we walk out of the mall with four huge bags of goodies.

Jake opens the trunk and tosses the bags inside, and I stop breathing.
