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Chapter 5



One drink,I said.No big deal,I said.

What a liethatturned out to be.

The way my head is pounding makes me feel like I drank all of the tequila in Thailand. And I’m pretty sure the aftertaste of it all will linger for a damn month before I can taste anything else besides tequila.

Let me tell you: as much as I love tequila, I might have to switch to something much less dangerous in the future. Like cocaine or meth. At least then, I’ll remember everything.

Things could be worse, though. It’s not like we haven’t been here before.

But if this is anything like what happened in Vegas, I need to buckle the fuck in.

In the bathroom, Percy seems to be entering the acceptance stage of grief regarding her pink hair and pubes.

My phone won’t stop ringing, and I’m seriously considering just throwing it into the pool. Silence that shit for good.

And I still have no fucking clue where my award is.

Nor do I have any clue where the hell the pile of ping pong balls in the corner came from. But theylook…sticky. And they smell like…

Let’s just say I’m not eager to investigate those anytime soon, either.

That’sonemystery that can remain unsolved. Let the conspiracy theorists have fun with it. I’m washing my hands of it.

Which, speaking of, I really should wash my hands.

“Fucking pink,” Percy swears, rubbing her uncuffed wrists and staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. “Fucking typical. How bad does it look?”

“You’re owning it,” I deadpan. She actually is, though.

I can tell she’s about to challenge me on it when we hear another shout echo through the suite: “Get this bloody thing off me!”

Liam’s voice.

Percy and I share a quick look, and I free her from the radiator.

We rush into Becky and Liam’s room to see Liam spinning around in a panic with the monkey clinging to his head for dear life—and humping away at his ear.

“It just means that he likes you, baby.” Becky’s trying to calm him, but it would work a lot better if she could stop fucking giggling.

“I don’t want him to like me. I want him off my bloody head!”

“Establish dominance!” Percy chimes in.

“And how the fuck am I supposed do that?”

Becky and I look to Percy, and our former blonde just shrugs.

“I dunno. I just heard it in a movie once.”

I’m pretty sure that Liam is about to choke Percy to death. Becky just giggles.

“Maybe just let him finish, babe? I mean, it would be mean to stop him. Don’t want him to have blue balls, do you?”

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