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I swear, she’s a better hype man than Flava Flav.

“You remembered everything back at the cabaret, and you can remember everything here. You got this. You are a beast. A savage. A take-no-prisoners woman.”

I nod. I want to remember.

But I fucking can’t.

“I’m drawing a blank.” I grimace.

“Well, lets get a drink at the bar. Maybe some booze will jump start that brain of yours.”

I consider. I doubt that booze is going to solve the problem, but a drink does sound pretty fucking amazing right now.

As long as it isn’t tequila.

“Can we get two beers please for my friend and I?” Percy is quick to take a seat at the bar. “But for reals, Sammi. What kind of kinky fuckery did you guys get into here last night?”

“I really have no fucking idea, Percy. I don’t.”

I wish I did. God, do I wish I did.

“Hey! You! You’ve got some massive balls to show up here again after last night,” echoes an angry voice from behind me.

Two things right now:

One, I have no sweet clue who it is that’s yelling.

Two: I’m really wishing that whoever this person is yelling at isn’t me.

I’ll tell you, I’ve had a lot of moments happen in my life that would make you shit yourself.

I’ve had a thirteen-foot great white shark break through my steel diving cage and nearly take my arm.

I’ve been in the middle of a bull shark feeding frenzy in just a diving suit.

Hell, I’ve been in an inflatable raft while it was getting attacked by a tiger shark.

None of those compare to the feeling of a cold steel barrel at the back of your head.

I hear the hammer click when the person behind me pulls it down.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Percy frozen in fear.

We are both seriously out of our fucking depth here.

“How dare you fucking return after your insults?”

Insults? What the fuck is he talking about?

Of all the fucking times to remember what happened, now is not that time.

My brain apparently has other plans.

But at least now I remember.

Shit! Now I remember!

And I was right.

All of this bullshit and insane fuckery is Lock’s fault.

If I ever get out of this situation, I’m going to kick his ass.

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