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“I’m happy to offer my garden any time you need to work in one.”

“Thank you,” Cassandra said. “Hopefully, the Randalls won’t mind if I leave soon, and then I won’t be forced to bother you again.”

“You’re not bothering me! Usually, Bernard does the gardening here because he finds it relaxing, but often, he’s just too busy. So having someone willing to do it is a real blessing.”

After washing up, Cassandra headed back to the house where she worked and lived, wishing there wasn’t so much dirt still on the skirt of her dress. She’d tried to wash it off, but short of a scrub board, she was going to look a mess.

Tiptoeing up the back stairs, hoping not to be seen and heard until she could change, she was just about to enter her room when Mrs. Randall walked to her with a disapproving look on her face. “Where have you been, Miss Arnold? You are filthy!”

“I went to visit a friend, and I helped her with her garden,” Cassandra said. Normally she would have immediately apologized and not met Mrs. Randall’s eyes, but this time, she had somewhere to go—somewhere she’d rather be. If the woman thought she needed to be fired, she could just do it.

Mrs. Randall’s eyes narrowed. “Did you not think of the mess you were tracking into my home?”

“I brushed it off the best I could, and I gave my feet and legs a thorough washing.”

Mrs. Randall looked as if she was offended. “You are not fit to care for my children, if you don’t know to clean yourself before tracking dirt into your employer’s home.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way. I was going to give my notice today anyway. Would you like me to leave immediately or train someone to take my place?” Not that there would be real training to do. The children were forced to spend all their time inside the house playing quiet games or reading. Cassandra didn’t know how the beautiful little boys hadn’t lost their minds already.

“Are you saying you no longer wish to be employed here?” Mrs. Randall looked shocked.

“I am. I’m going out west to marry a rancher who needs a wife. He needs me to dig in his dirt.”

“Well, I never!”

Cassandra didn’t say another word, instead waiting for Mrs. Randall to say whatever she was going to say. She knew the woman was rash in her decisions, and she expected to be let go.

“You will pack your things and leave my house immediately. I will not be insulted by a servant in my own home.”

Cassandra nodded. “I understand. I would like to be paid my wages for the week before I leave.”

Mrs. Randall turned away, and Cassandra heard her mumble something that sounded like “ungrateful wretch.”

Hurrying into her room, she packed her things, and Mr. Randall stopped at her open door. “Mrs. Randall has said you’re leaving. I’m not sure what we’ll do without you.”

She smiled. “I’m sure everything will be just fine.” Mr. Randall had always been a great deal kinder than his wife. He seemed to know she was difficult to deal with.

He handed her the week’s pay and she left, going straight to Elizabeth’s home. There was no doubt in her mind her friend would put her up for a night or two as she got ready to leave on her great adventure.
