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26th April 1813

My dear Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen of the ton,

As another London Season commences it’s time to make a note of any hushed whispers, swirling rumours and scurrilous gossip from the ballroom shadows as together we name the 1813 Society’s Most Scandalous.

Have your nominations delivered before the Season’s closing party to The Times, Fleet Street, London.

The name of the winner of the ton’s most dishonourable accolade will be published, as always, on the morning after the final ball of the Season.

This year that will be hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Avondale whose son, Lord Frederick Fitzroy, ironically won the honour last year, when he eloped to Gretna Green with Lady Dorothea Claremont, the eldest daughter of the Avondale’s arch-rivals the Duke and Duchess of Warminster! At her betrothal ball, no less—to another man!

Can this Season top that? We certainly hope so!

Yours ever in scandal,

The Times Society Editors
