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‘You did freeze in shock when you felt it.’

‘Oh, hell!’ He was furious at himself for being so blind and deaf to it all. So clumsy at such a poignant and defining moment to have chosen that exact second to remember that he had a conscience. Furious at all the newspapers and idiots in society who judged her or pitied her for it.

Incandescent with rage at the blasted Bugle for calling her the Limping Lady and for every idiot man in each and every ballroom for discounting her because of it, including her own ham-fisted brother. As they had systematically whittled away all her confidence in her own overwhelming and glorious femininity. He was also annoyed at her for even thinking it. For thinking him, the man who loved her more than life itself, that shallow.

Enough was enough and frankly, it was time for her to stop hiding too!

‘How do you feel about me, Hattie?’

She blinked at him, startled at the abrupt change of topic and the clipped, impatient edge to his question. He folded his arms and glared at her. ‘It is a simple enough question which demands a proper answer. After all, you have not only my long and convoluted letter as proof of the strength of my feelings for you, but you also made me tell you to your face and that door should swing both ways. So before we sort all this nonsense out once and for all, I need to know exactly where I stand. Do you love me?’

She nodded but that wasn’t enough.

‘In what way? And I shall need actual words this time, Hattie Fitzroy, and not a half-hearted, nondescript nod. I am sick and tired of having to read between the lines with proud, independent women who hate to make others feel beholden when, frankly, where the heart is concerned, feeling beholden is surely par for the course. And I would rather wave you goodbye than ever suspect for one moment that you only think you love me when really it is just your natural compassion and overwhelming need to rescue which draws you to me.’

‘You are the last man in the world I feel sorry for, Jasper Beaufort.’ She lifted her chin, proud, vulnerable but resolute. The indomitable Hattie he loved the most. ‘I love you like a woman loves a man.’ She nudged him with her elbow. ‘To quote a fool that I know who thinks he knows best when he plainly doesn’t, I harbour no doubts that it is the all-consuming, need every part of you, hearts and flowers for ever kind.’

‘Good.’ Jasper stood then hauled her up. ‘Then let us stop shilly-shallying, grab life by the lapels, go climb a mountain and pass another milestone together.’
