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Chapter Thirty-Three

Mr. Fox unbuckled the cuffs around her wrists quickly and then carried her into the bedroom, laying her out on the bed, murmuring praise and sweet things in her ear as he did. She clung to him and cried until she thought she must’ve run out of tears.

When she was finally able to open her eyes, it was to Mr. Fox’s clear blue eyes. He was so intense, looking at her, concern etched on his strong features. That level of attention almost made her want to hide even though she loved it.

“Hi, pretty girl.”

“Hi, Daddy.”

“You doing okay? Aside from your backside, which probably feels like it got lit up pretty good?”

“I’m good. I’m really happy to be home.”

“Even when I punish you?”

She nodded, serious. “Yes, Daddy.”

The smile that broke across his face was as brilliant as any sunrise, and she could feel the love in it.

“I’m so glad I found you, babygirl. You’re so perfect, and I love you.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

“Then maybe…”

He paused for a moment and she couldn’t imagine what for. Although if he suggested more spanking, she was going to tell him to fuck off. Enough was enough.

Mr. Fox held up a finger, rolled off the bed and opened his bedside table. That was where he kept the lube, and she wouldn’t be sorry if he wanted to fuck her ass even if it would smart with every thrust.

He didn’t come back with the bottle she’d recognize, though. No. Instead he came back with a box. A small, black, velvet box. What the hell?

As he laid back down beside her, he looked somewhat abashed. “I know you were worried about moving too fast or asking for too much, but you didn’t have to. I’m miles ahead of you. And if this is too much too fast, I would understand. You can take however long you need to to answer me. But Twyla, I want you to know I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else. I love everything about you from your red hair to your sweet little toes. I love how smart and tough you are, but also how beautifully you submit to me and how desperately you want to be a good girl. I want to be your daddy forever. I want to protect you and discipline you and care for you and love you. Will you marry me?”

Joy swelled her heart until she couldn’t breathe. And this happiness, it was so much that she could barely believe it was real. Too good to be true, that’s what people said when things seemed like a fairytale.

But maybe it could be real this time. She’d definitely gotten more than a pinch so she wasn’t asleep.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger. It was pretty and sparkly and perfect and she loved it. As soon as it was on her finger, he kissed her. And kissed her.

And though she knew the bed linens were soft, they still felt rough against her freshly beaten ass, and it reminded her of what she was promising. She couldn’t wait until Mr. Fox made her his wife as well as his little girl.

“I want to fuck you now, little girl. I want you to take Daddy’s cock in your sweet little pussy. I want you to come all over me, I want to feel you squeeze so tight around me when you climax.”

“Yes, Daddy, please fuck me. Please.”

It was only a second before he was settled between her thighs and she could feel his thick erection pressing at her entrance. She’d had sex before, but she’d never enjoyed it really, and it had definitely never been with someone she loved. This was different and she felt almost shy. But her daddy would take care of her, she knew he would.

“I love you, babygirl.”

And with that, he slid into her. She was soaking wet and even though he was big, he fit like she’d been built for him. Maybe she had been. Even though her backside was on fire and his weight made it hurt more, she still wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything in her whole life. So she looped her arms around his neck and tipped her hips up to take him deeper.

“I love you too, Daddy. Make me yours, please.”

He wasn’t gentle, and she didn’t want him to be. No, he fucked her hard and deep and without mercy. She arched against him, getting the angle on her clit she’d need to get off and gripped his shoulders, digging in her nails because she wanted him to feel even a fraction of what she felt.

“Come on, little girl. Come for Daddy. Come for me while I’m buried balls-deep in your cunt. That’s it. That’s it, babygirl. Yes.”

And suddenly she was there, fireworks exploding behind her eyes as her whole body wound tight and then let go. Not just let go but shattered into a million pieces. She felt her internal muscles clenching around her daddy’s cock, and felt too when when he came inside her, spurt after spurt of thick hot come.

His. He was his and he loved her, and she loved him back and she never had to be alone ever again.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

He kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then her lips. “My pleasure, little girl. I can’t wait to do this for the rest of our lives.”
