Page 29 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Seventeen

It was weird to be sitting in a bed she’d never been in before, being waited on hand and foot by a man she’d always found handsome but had never been able to speak to before.

Jethro had brought her a cold pack that he’d arranged on her shoulder, and while she still felt crummy, she also felt…loved. And not a little horny. Which…she’d thought she’d enjoy being diapered when she’d done age play with Hudson but she’d never worked up the nerve to ask. Casa Del Bosque was apparently where all her dreams came true.

She had looked at her phone but when she’d opened her email she’d almost cried looking at everything people wanted from her so she shut it off and put it on the bedside table. She could deal with it later. Later when she didn’t feel such an intense need to be little.

When Jethro came back upstairs again it was with a tray full of food. And for the first time, she noticed there were two dogs in the room. Their tails started beating on the plaid bed they were resting on and they looked at Jethro longingly. Or maybe it was just their faces—they were basset hounds, after all, and they always looked glum and wanting to her.

“I didn’t know you had doggies.”

She wanted to pet them but she wasn’t sure they were allowed on the bed.

“You never asked,” he said. “The lemon and white one is Marigold, and the tri-color is Rhodie. They’re both lazy bums. I’ll let them onto the bed when you’re finished breakfast if you want to see them, but if I let them up before, they’ll eat all your food.”

That was funny. Dogs who liked— Oh, wow. He’d made her a feast. French toast, yogurt, sausage links, a bowl of fruit, some oatmeal. He put the tray over her lap and she stared at it, gaze wandering over the bounty before her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten like this. Maybe never. Her mom was more of an egg white omelet person and her father downed a protein shake. Actual food made her mouth water.

She picked up the spoon and winced. Right. And of course Jethro tutted at her. “If you’re going to feed yourself, you need to use your other hand, baby.”

She put it in her right hand and felt awkward and clumsy, but scooped up some yogurt anyway and brought it to her lips, only to get a smear of it to one side of her mouth, and a small blob dropped onto her chest. At which Jethro tutted some more and wiped her up with a napkin.

“What a messy girl. I think daddy needs to feed you so you don’t make a mess in the bed.”

He didn’t wait for her to answer but took the spoon and set it back in the yogurt before pulling something from his pocket.

“And we forgot your bib. Good thing you didn’t make a bigger mess.”

She’d never ever done anything like this before and she wanted to be mad, wanted to pitch a fit, wanted to tell him to stop because she could do it herself, but there was evidence to support that she could not. And would it really be so bad to let someone else handle, well, everything for a change?

“Open up, little miss. That’s a good girl.”

He spooned a few bites of yogurt into her before switching to the French toast and then some sausage. Sable didn’t actually remember what it felt like to feel full since it had been so long since she let herself eat to stuffed but she was pretty sure this was it.

“Daddy, I’m full.”

“Not yet, baby. Dr. Eric said you look underweight and any little girl of mine is going to be healthy and well-fed. You’ll have a few bites of oatmeal and your fruit and then you can be done.”

She ate slowly, trying to savor the taste but also feeling so, so full. When Jethro cleared the tray, she thought he’d let the dogs onto the bed so she could say hello, but instead he got up and went into the bathroom, came back with two bottles filled with water. Bottles like baby bottles.

She’d always wanted to ask Hudson for a paci or a bottle but she’d never been able to work up the nerve and now here she was, not even having to ask.

Jethro scooped her up and settled her on his lap before putting the bottle to her lips. “Suck, little miss. Can’t have you being dehydrated. You’re such a busy girl, I’m sure you don’t get enough water.”

She hummed an agreement before latching on and closing her eyes, suckling. It was warm and peaceful to be snuggled in her daddy’s lap like this, but it left a little too much time for her mind to wander. She started thinking about all the work she had to do and startled awake from the half-asleep dreamy state she’d drifted into.

Jethro brushed the hair off her forehead and hushed her but she pushed the bottle away.

“I…I should go.”

One of his dark brows cocked up into an upside down V. “Why do you think you should go?”

“I have a lot of work to do. I’m already behind. I can’t afford to—”

He cut her off with a stern glare. “You’re injured and clearly exhausted if you’re nodding off after sleeping for ten hours. You can’t afford to not get some rest.”


“Shh, baby,” he said, putting the nipple of the bottle back to her lips. “Let Daddy finish giving you your bottles and then we can talk about it.”

She looked up at him and seeing his face knew there was no way she was going to win this fight. And truthfully, she didn’t want to. She was tired. But she’d never been told or even allowed to just rest before. She took the bottle back, telling herself she’d finish up, thank Jethro for indulging her and then get back to her normal life.

Instead, her worries weren’t strong enough to keep her awake as she drifted off again.
