Page 40 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Jethro sat on the edge of the bed and hauled Sable across his lap, trapping her slim thighs between his and angling so her torso and head could rest on the mattress.

He couldn’t stop looking at the jeweled plug he’d stuffed inside her tight little hole. He’d fuck her up the ass some day soon, and judging from the way she’d squirmed and made pitiful, needy noises as he pressed bigger and bigger plugs into her and toyed with them, she’d enjoy it.

She would not enjoy the spanking she was about to get. He did hope, however, that it would get her out of her head, let her hand over her troubles to him because he was going to take care of her now. Sable had loosened up some, seemed to become even more yielding, more compliant when he’d stuffed her ass full.

Maybe he’d keep her plugged more often. Perhaps it would help to train her as he did some of his plants. Lovely bonsais and elegant orchids that needed a little help to grow and thrive. He’d nurture Sable with the same tender loving care he did his seedlings and she’d blossom more beautiful than ever.

It wouldn’t always be easy but he was a patient man and wholeheartedly believed she’d be worth the effort. It would help immensely if he could pry her from her parents’ strangling grip but that would take some time, especially since she worked for her father. In the meantime…

He stroked Sable’s backside, pausing to toy with the plug every so often, which made her squirm and mewl. So gorgeous.

Jethro pressed a hand to the small of her back and rubbed her bottom with the other one.

“You’re getting a spanking because you used bad language, and were a disobedient and uncooperative girl when I was feeding you. Next time I feed you, I’m going to strap you down and you’re going to eat until I say you’re done with no arguments. Otherwise we’ll start clamping your nipples while you’re fed and I won’t remove them until you’ve finished every bite. I’m going to fill you up as much as I like, and you’re going to learn that starting now with your little rosebud stretched open and stuffed for me.”

Sable was making some truly delicious noises as she rubbed her face on the comforter. Even though he was positive she was soaking wet already, he wanted to push her harder.

“When I’m done spanking your backside, I’m going to work my way into your extra-tight pussy and I’m going to fill up your cunt with my come. I’m going to put a baby in you, and I’m going to love watching your belly get huge and round and your tits get big and heavy. I’m going to fuck you and pump you full of cream so often you’re knocked up all the time.”

Sable made a half-hiccup, half-choking noise and for a second he wasn’t sure if he’d gone too far. They hadn’t talked about moving in together permanently yet, or marriage, never mind having babies. Except then she said, “God, yes, Daddy, please,” in a strangled voice, and he thought his cock was going to explode.

“Oh, what a good, good girl you are for me. And now you’re going to let Daddy spank you until your bottom is all red and sore and you’ll think twice about being a defiant little thing. Won’t you?” he asked, punctuating his demand with a hard spank to her cheek that made her gasp and squeal.

“Yes, Daddy.”

He didn’t wait any longer, and he didn’t give her much of a warm-up. This wasn’t meant to be enjoyable and it wasn’t meant to last long. Which was unfortunate because he could make an entire meal out of Sable’s backside. He’d save that for later. Right now, he rained down swats so hard his hand started to sting and he knew the creamy flesh of her backside would be hurting even more. It was already growing hot under his hand.

Sable cried and begged and tried to squirm out of his grip, but it was no use; his thighs were clamped hard around hers and he wound a hand in her hair to pin her head to the bed. She could’ve used her hands of course, but she was too busy pounding her fists into the thick blankets on the bed.

When her backside was bright red and he could feel the heat radiating off it, he paused to soothe her enflamed buttocks. When she’d calmed a little, he sat her up so she was perched on his lap, and kissed away some of the tears that had managed to cling to her cheeks.

“You’re a very noisy girl when you’re getting spanked but aside from that, you’re doing a good job taking your punishment. Now you have a choice, little miss.”

Sable looked at him with wide eyes and sniffed. What a pathetic little princess. He’d spoil her rotten after this.

“You’re going to take a dozen strokes with a cane, but I’ll let you pick where.”

His little darling whimpered but didn’t protest.

“You can take them on your sore little bottom, on your delicious little titties, or on the insides of your thighs. Up to you.”

Sable winced when he said thighs—he doubted she’d be going with that choice. And from what other subs had told him, that was probably wise. He’d save that for when she’d really misbehaved, not like that little experiment she’d conducted earlier—What will Daddy do if…?

“So what’s your choice, baby?”

She chewed on her lip for a minute, and then said, “On my tits, please, Daddy.”

Jethro nodded, his cock growing impossibly hard and heavy in his pants. This girl was going to be the death of him.

“Very good. In the future, you’ll cup your tits and offer them to me yourself but since I don’t want you to strain your shoulder, we’ll do it differently this time.”

He lifted her off his lap and stood her on her feet, making sure she was steady before he released her hips, and then led her over to the small desk in the corner.

He never did work at this desk, he had an office over at the nursery for that or if he absolutely had to, brought his laptop home with him. No, this desk was purely for use with his little girls.

The woven cane chair would be nice and scratchy on Sable’s abraded bottom and would keep a little pressure on the plug that was still buried in her ass, and she should already be at a good height to present her tits to him on the desk.

“Sit, baby, and lean forward so your little titties are resting on top. Yes, like that. Very good. Now hold onto the seat of the chair since I can’t bind you to keep your hands out of the way.”

That was crueler than tying her up, he knew, but he had no choice.

“If you’re a very well-behaved girl, Daddy’s going to spoil you after this is over. Can you be good for me, little miss?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Sable promised, even as he felt her shudder with the hand he’d laid on her back.

He’d selected a few canes from his collection and tucked them under the bed earlier, and now he pulled out the one he’d be punishing his little darling with.
