Page 47 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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Chapter Thirty-One

They spent a good hour painting each other with mud and basically rolling around in the dirt. Would’ve probably spent more if Daddy hadn’t looked at his watch and announced that he had to get her cleaned up.

“I mean, no one’s going to blink if I show up somewhere covered in dirt, but you’d cause a scandal.”

Before she could argue, he’d swung her up into his arms and was carrying her back to the house while she clutched their clothes. Once they were inside, they stripped out of the rest of their muddy duds and put them straight in the wash.

Then he steered her upstairs to the master bathroom and he gave her a quick rinse in the shower, a cursory dry, and then laid out a few towels on the floor before directing her to lie on them on her right side which was her uninjured shoulder. What was going on? Surely she was going to get cleaned up more than that?

She followed him with her gaze while he rummaged in the small closet. What was he doing?

But when he shut the door, she knew.

“Daddy, why—”

“Shush, little miss. What’s the sense in giving you a good scrub down on the outside if I don’t clean out your insides first?”

Sable bit her lip. Not, this time, because she wanted to fight.

“Did Hudson ever give you an enema?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“To clean you out or for a punishment?”

“Just to clean me.”

“And was it big or little?”

“It felt big,” she said, and her daddy laughed at her.

“So little then.”

She scowled back and he spanked her sore bottom for her trouble.

“This one’s going to be bigger, but I promise you can take it. I just want to clean you out real good and make your belly nice and swollen. I want to see what you’ll look like with that baby in your belly like we talked about.”


The little word escaped between her lips before she could help it and the corner of Jethro’s mouth pulled up.

She watched as he filled the bag up with warm water and a bit of solution, and it wasn’t long until he was prying her ass cheeks apart and lubing up the tube he was going to push into her bottom.

“Alright, baby, now relax. Just take what Daddy’s giving you and enjoy. I know you like having things pushed into your bottom.”

She made a little noise of protest but she couldn’t argue, not really, because she did.

He hung the bag on the towel bar and then lay down beside her to spoon her before clicking something on the tube open so it started to flow. It felt nice at first, the warm water flowing into her. She liked penetration, liked things being put inside her and this wasn’t much different.

Better, maybe, since Jethro reached around to rub her tummy, squeeze her sore breasts and torment her nipples.

She didn’t remember getting horny from the enemas Hudson had given her, but they’d been more a prelude to play than actual play, whereas this…

“Daddy, I’m full.”

“No you’re not, little miss. You’ve still got half the bag to take. You can do it. Now just relax while Daddy plays with your titties and we finish filling you up.”

Except she couldn’t relax, not when he was doing that to her and her tummy felt bloated and full and like she needed to go so bad. It made her mind scrambled and she didn’t know whether she wanted to cry or come or both. Both seemed like a good option right now.
