Page 59 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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While waiting to hear back from her, he made a few more laps of the party, stopped and chatted with Arthur again, who introduced him to some people.

Usually Jethro liked meeting new people but he wasn’t going to remember them next time they ran into each other because he was too obsessively checking his phone and looking around for Sable.

After an hour had passed and he still hadn’t heard from Sable or seen her, Jethro was too keyed up to even pretend to make small talk so he excused himself and went out to the truck.

Maybe she hadn’t been feeling well and went home? But why wouldn’t she have told him, asked him for help? Yeah she was still getting used to having someone around who genuinely wanted to take care of her but even though it was hard for her, she usually gave in.

When he got home, his place was dark except for the usual lights he left on for the dogs, although there were tire tracks in the driveway and some footprints in the snow leading up to and back from the front door. Two pairs. One petite set of heels and one huge pair of men’s shoes. What the hell? Had she been distressed and called someone other than him?

Of course he wanted Sable to have friends and it didn’t matter who they were as long as they made her happy. But Jethro wanted to be her first line of defense, he wanted to be the one she looked to first for whatever she needed. His mind started to race with reasons why she might’ve called someone else as he let Marigold and Rhodie out into the yard and then began to search the house for her.

Sable wasn’t here, and neither were her things. Correction—most of her things. Her hat and mittens were still by the door with the parka and snow pants and boots he’d bought for her but her clothes were gone from the closet and her toiletries and make-up had vanished from the bathroom.

He tried calling again in a panic but got no answer. This was bad, very bad, and he couldn’t connect the dots. Why had Sable left? What had happened between when he’d seen her at her parents’ house and now? What had changed so drastically that she’d left him? He’d been talking to her father but—

Fuck. What if she knew somehow about his conversation with Duncan? What if her father had seen her on his way to get his checkbook and told her about the deal he’d just made? But then why would Duncan have gone through with writing the check? Sable would’ve clawed his eyes out herself. Or maybe those people had security cameras and Sable’s mother had shown her the “evidence” of him being willing to leave her for a payout afterward? Shit.

And if she had found out somehow, who would she have called? Not her society friends because most of them were at the party and Sable didn’t actually seem to have a relationship beyond acquaintance with any of them. No. She would’ve called the only other person on earth who’d made her feel safe.

She would’ve called Hudson.
