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Chapter Twenty-Two

The next morning, he woke in his bed with Devy snuggled into his side, her head on his shoulder and their legs tangled together. She was still asleep and the sweetest damn thing with her soft, even breathing and her fingers twitching on his chest. No way was he going to wake her up. She was too adorable like this and besides, she must be exhausted after last night.

Last night.

Last night had been incredible. She’d been incredible, coming apart under his hands half a dozen times, submitting to him, trusting him, and turning him on like no one’s business. His little darling was so goddamn sexy it hurt.

He reached for his phone, finding a few texts there and used his free hand to open them while Devy slumbered on.

The first one was from Jethro.

Hudson’s a good cook but Ian is a menace in the kitchen. Had to call a hazmat team to dispose of the enchiladas he made last night. Any way you could drop by some food today? No worries if you’ve got a full schedule, we’ll survive. Probably.

He had to smother a snort. Yeah, he was familiar with Ian’s attempts in the kitchen and they were, without fail, not good. Guy could turn out some decent rice cereal and not fuck up a box of mac and cheese but anything much more complicated seemed beyond him. That’s why Hudson was permanently in charge of sustenance for poker night.

Eric flicked over to his schedule to double check, but yeah, he only had a couple patients later this afternoon. Plus, the situation seemed pretty dire.

I can come by with lunch no problem. Might bring a friend.

Jethro must’ve been up because a message flashed across Eric’s screen only a few seconds later.

A friend, huh? This “friend” wouldn’t happen to be the lovely Devaney Bishop would it?

Eric shook his head and texted back.

Which one of those assholes couldn’t keep their big mouth shut, huh? My money’s on Ian.

No, it was Cosima. She was practically giddy about your new girlfriend. Bring her by, I’m sure Sable would be happy to have another mom to talk to.

They agreed on details and then Eric flicked to the next message, this one from Brae.

You propose yet?

Fucker. And the really irritating thing was he wasn’t far off. If Eric thought she’d say yes, he’d wake Devy up by asking her to be his wife and then he’d celebrate by burying his head between her legs. Her pussy was delicious and the noises she made, unf. He oughta be careful with those thoughts though because he was getting hard just thinking about it and he wasn’t going to wake her up to fuck. Yet. She needed her sleep.

Not yet. Gimme a couple days.

Given the hour on the west coast, he thought Brae was probably asleep but his friend surprised him by texting back right away.

How long does it take to get ordained in CT? Speaking of, you’ll never guess where I’m filming in a few months. Clover City’s apparently lobbying to be the next Wilmington or Vancouver. Idk what my schedule will be like—crazy probably—but I’m sure I’ll have some time to fuck around, I’ll let you know.

That was great news—it’d be fun to have his old buddy back in town even for just a little while. Brae could meet Devy, and who knew? Maybe he’d rack up some cool points with Logan and Chase if they were fans. Which they probably were. Brae’s films were almost all blockbusters these days and with a mix of military thrillers and superhero action flicks he had a wide audience.

Devy stirred next to him, and he tapped out a reply before she could fully wake.

Good times. Send more details when you have them. Gotta go, my girl’s waking up.

You’re besotted, Southerland. It’s disgusting. Also nice to see.

Couldn’t argue with that. Any of it. Like he’d told Devy, she was his jam.

He put the phone aside just in time for her to rub her face into his chest and murmur a sleepy “good morning.”

“Morning to you, buttercup. How you feeling?”

“Sore,” she croaked, but with a smile in her voice. “In the best way, but yeah, definitely sore.”

“I think that just means you need more practice,” he told her with a kiss to the top of her head, smiling against her hair. He’d give her a bath this morning if she had time, his little princess deserved to be spoiled. “Build up your stamina.”
