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“What kind of reminder?”

She pictured having a list of rules on the fridge like she did at home for the boys:

Devy baby will

1. Always tell Daddy the truth.

It was kind of funny. But she didn’t think that’s what he meant. Besides, that would be there for anyone to see like Eric’s friends or his housekeeper and that would be humiliating and he said he’d never do that.

“Like a spanking,” he said carefully, studying her face as he did. “It’s not a punishment because you’re not in trouble. It’s to help you remember to make good choices even when it’s hard.”

Oh. She’d never been spanked in her life. Not really, not like she thought Eric meant.

“Would it hurt?”

“Yeah,” he said with a lopsided, almost apologetic smile. “I’d make you cry. But then I’d make you feel real good afterward.”

“You always make me feel good.”

She hadn’t quite meant to say that out loud, but it was true. Yes, Logan and Chase brought her a lot of joy and they often had fun together but they didn’t support her, take care of her, and she didn’t want them to. That wasn’t their job and she wanted them to have childhoods. Eric on the other hand…it might make her blush that he’d heard it, but it didn’t make it not true.

Eric blinked at her, his eyes wider than she’d ever seen them before his focus narrowed and she felt the weight of his intensity. He was kind and good-humored, easygoing, but she would never make the mistake of thinking he was some kind of lightweight—no, he was downright piercing.

“If that’s true and you trust me, then maybe we could give this a shot? If it doesn’t help or it’s too scary then we never have to do it again. It’s not required, just a tool in the toolbox. But I do think it’s a tool you might find useful.”

Well then. She wasn’t thrilled about being turned over Eric’s knee for a spanking that hurt badly—although she could imagine how he might spank her to please them both, even or maybe especially if he lit up her ass a bit. He’d assured her it wasn’t a punishment which was good because she didn’t think she could tolerate being spanked for misbehavior in real life—play scenes were different.

And like, fuck misbehavior. She was a grown woman and human. She’d make mistakes and she’d do her best to fix them and she didn’t see how a spanking would help that. Although she could understand how people who carted around their guilt might be able to drop it if they felt like they’d done their penance.

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll try it.”

* * *

The woman in his lap made him happier than he could’ve ever imagined. Putting herself in his hands, trusting him as well as she knew how, going from soothing babies and winning over his friends to cooking him one of the best dinners he’d ever had to being a submissive and willing woman in the course of a single day—she was perfect. He wasn’t usually glad that anyone had vomited in one of his exam rooms, but he couldn’t help but be grateful that Devy had puked all over his floor.

“So should we do this now or did you need some time to prepare?”

She gave him the cutest skeptical pout and wrenched her mouth to the side. “I don’t know that I’ll ever be ready to be spanked.”

“Oh, I bet you will,” he said with a wink. Not this time, but he would show her how enjoyable a good girl spanking could be. “But those will be different. Someday you’ll beg me to spank you and I’ll very happily oblige.”

“You sound very confident, Doctor Southerland.”

“I am.”

She was teasing him now and her arms came round his neck and she leaned in to give him a tender kiss. His little buttercup was honey sweet. He returned her kiss with a bit more passion and she matched him but he couldn’t let them get carried away. Not yet. After he’d impressed this lesson upon her backside he’d carry her away to anywhere she wanted to go.

“Not yet, babygirl,” he chided gently and tapped the apple of her cheek with a fingertip. “You need anything before we start? A drink? Maybe to use your diaper? Anything?”

Devy rolled her plush pink lips between her teeth and looked up at him shyly. “This is maybe silly—”

“If you need it, it’s not silly to me.”

She cracked a smile. “Could you…could you tell me again I’m good? I just need to know for sure I’m not being punished for being bad, I don’t think I could deal with that.”

“Of course, baby. You’re a very good girl, always. You’re a great mom and a fantastic cook and you work so hard. Generous and sweet and kind and funny. And even if you weren’t any of those things, you’ve got a heart of gold, I know you do. You’re a good, good girl and I’m so lucky to have you.”

A pretty pink flush gathered on her cheeks but she didn’t tell him to stop. No, his little girl cuddled closer and he hugged her as hard as he could without squeezing the air from her lungs.
