Page 21 of Mender

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There came a muffled “what?” from him.

“This couch isn’t built for people like you,” I clarified. “There’s no room.”

He looked up then, a mischievous look in his eyes as he took in the couch. No doubt imagining what he could do to me pinned down there. At least he’d quickly come to terms with what he wanted as well.

“Bedroom,” I said, starting to push him back. He hesitated a moment, before getting up, smiling down at me as I followed. No, not smiling. That was a definite smirk. Oh yes…I had forgotten that part. I smiled back, moved closer now that we were standing and started to take off his jacket. He focused one moment on removing his gun, which was all the distraction I needed, my hands going around him, swiping what I was looking for. He wanted me at his mercy, but I wasn’t going to give him that. Not last time, not this time.

I let go of him and removed my jacket and top as I walked to the bedroom, dropping them on the floor, hearing his footsteps behind me. The room was cool, the floor for the most part covered by my bed. Only a small dresser in one corner. Before I reached the bed, I felt his hand close around my elbow, turning me around in one swift move. A hand on the back of my neck pulled me into a merciless and satisfying kiss; hard, deep, and still with the hint of the tea we had shared. My bra was unhooked without my paying attention until I felt his hand cupping one of my breasts, the gentle touch making me moan weakly, pleased he’d caught on to my sensitivities last time. It distracted me a while and I was surprised to feel the bed against my legs as he’d moved us closer. That wouldn’t do, I thought, maneuvering between clothes falling to the floor, so he had his back to the bed. He looked amused at this, going along for a little while. I held back the smile waiting on my lips.

He lay back on the bed, pulling me with him. It was easy after that. Pinning his arms over his head, his continued amusement at this as I could obviously not keep him like that by shear strength. I could see by the look in his eyes what he wanted to do to me, and I could feel my own treacherous body reacting to the mere thought. If I didn’t act now, I wouldn’t be able to.

In a quick motion, I grabbed the handcuffs I’d stolen from him in the living room. I had managed to keep them out of his sight all the way toward the bed. Not an easy feat, but manageable on account of his attention being directed elsewhere. The first one was easy, locking around his right wrist. His kisses were at this point focused on my clavicle area, moving downward, a sharp intake of breath the first sign he knew something was up. The muscles in his body tensed under me and the kisses stopped, leaving me momentarily disappointed despite what I was doing. But he was too late. The second cuff clicked as it fastened around his left wrist, effectively locking him to the curved and arching metal spindles of my bed’s headboard.

“What the hell?” he blurted, instinctively pulling at the handcuffs trying to get free, his brain not caring that he knew very well that he was trapped. When this realization dawned on him, he shook violently at them, a growling sound escaping him. He, himself, though, did not escape. I sat back on my knees then, right next to him. He forcibly got himself under control, but his breathing had intensified. He looked angry—that wasn’t new, though—but there was also something else. I could see the worry in him.

What was I going to do with this?

There were a number of things I could do, of course, including discrediting him or simply leaving him there like that, and he knew it. I could see for certain now that even though he didn’t hate me wholeheartedly anymore, he certainly didn’t trust me. Not really.

I watched his now tense body, muscles taut under his skin, his arms still pulling at the handcuffs despite the futility. God, he was attractive. Absolutely gorgeous. A surge went through me as I realized I was, in addition to all kinds of feelings, also feeling a little power-hungry at the moment. I wouldn’t do any of the things he now feared. Let’s face it. I may not be the nicest of people, but petty and cruel I am not.

“Damn it, Evans,” he barked at me. “Unlock them.”

I smiled then. “No,” I said softly.

“No? God damn it. Get the key and unlock the cuffs.”

I tuned him out and put my hand on his stomach, feeling him twitch at the touch like he was trying to pull back. I looked into his eyes then, trying to hide the mix of lust and mischief I felt. I probably failed spectacularly by the uneasy look that now blended with his fury. He liked being in control, didn’t he? Well, he wasn’t the only one. All that anger, I thought. We had to do something about that.

Chapter 11

“This is torture,”he claimed, though the noises that escaped him told me otherwise. I looked up at him, stopped what I was doing to a muffled protest, and started kissing my way along his stomach and chest. Very slowly, like I’d been doing a while now. My hands gliding along his long lean frame, touching him any way I liked.

“It’s not torture,” I said between kisses. “I thinktormentsuits the situation, though.”

“Like that’s better,” he said as I moved on to his neck. I let my mouth hover near his lips a moment, knowing he wanted to kiss me, not giving him that. I ran my fingers through his already tousled hair, slowly, seeing his half-closed eyes in reaction. All despite himself. I straightened up at that, careful not to give him too much now. I could almost feel his eyes boring into my body as I loomed over him, actually reveling a little in the feeling it gave me. I hadn’t started to bruise from the fight on the ridge yet, but I still had the grazes from the bullets that had nicked me a few days ago. Still, he looked ready to devour me if I let him out of the cuffs. It was enough to give any woman a confidence boost.

“For God’s sake, Evans,” he managed to croak out. “You’re killing me.”

I smiled broadly then and moved to lay down beside him, my head resting on his chest. “There are worse ways to go,” I pointed out.

“For crying out loud, woman,” he said with absolute agony in his voice while pressing the back of his head into the mattress. His speech was becoming more strained. “…turn blue.”

I couldn’t help a soft laugh at that, letting my hand glide down toward his erection. He was hard, having been driven to the brink a couple of times already, though I hadn’t let him cross. Nor did I now. I made sure to let my fingers stroke him lightly while passing, hearing him draw breath deeply. He made a half-choked sound then, as I moved further down, cupping him, caressing him gently.

“How long are you going to do this?” He managed to get the words out despite having problems forming a coherent sentence.

“Oh, I can keep this up indefinitely,” I said. Which was a complete lie. The drawback of this thing was that I wasn’t impervious to it all myself. The throbbing organ next to my busy hand wasn’t the only throbbing happening in the room. I wanted him badly.

“Get…key…” he uttered.

I let go of him then, watching his eyes open in the brief respite. I positioned myself over him again, straddling him once more, bending down so my breasts rested on his chest, the warmth and tingling sensation at the touch making me sigh in content. His body was almost still under me. The sense of control in him surprising me, considering.

“What?” I asked as if I hadn’t heard him.

“Unlock. Cuffs,” he said, his words muffled by my sudden kisses. He responded automatically, his lips soft, tongue searching mine.

“Sure that’s what you want me to do?” I said as I came up for air.
